Stealth Growing in My Community


Active Member
Yea, I grow around town. I was thinking of doing a dwarf harvest this year. If I go auto flower I can have two harvests by fall. The nice thing about dwarf is you can practicly grow any where. It's so short no one ever will see it.

Most people doubt me, but listen guys, not every one knows what weed looks like. they have seen the cured product but they have never seen it on the plant.

No joke, I had a huge plant this summer growing in a location that was right in town and some one actually walked right OVER part of the plant and didn't even know what it was. It grew the rest of the year till harvest with no interruptions.

Just think about the ratio and it makes sense. Probebly 15% of population smokes weed. So that would mean 1 in 6 people smoke. Growing? I'll bet it's like 3%.
So 1 in 32 people know what a marijuana plant looks like.

See how the odds of a plant getting spotted are in your fav. ?

Just make sure it's out of the general way and put it where ever other plants grow.

Not one person found any of my plants last year. And they were all in town.

So enough showing off. I enjoy smoking and selling. I give weed out free, and I encourage stealth growing (duh)

I had a good year, but this year I know will be better. I have plans for some NY Diesel, G13, Snow White, and Chocolate Thia.

My goal will be to achieve $20,000 dollars. Last year my plants scored me $2000 a plant. Yes, just one plant made that much. It was Bubblegum in case any one cares to know.

We did a lot of work and earned every bit of that money. Best memorys: Having a nug fight at my friends house while we bagged the weed. Really, who does that? lol.

Well, I'm gonna smoke me some G13 and watch Dr. Who. new series on Netflixs.

Peace out.


That Canadian

Active Member
Lol a lot of people think like you in my small town and have teens hop over countless fences going backyard to backyard finding random plants


Active Member
Which is easier to bust? Some guy growing weed on gods green earth or a bunch of fuck nuts that grow in their own house then advertise it on Roll It Up?


First stop your own illegal activity, then you won't sound like such a dumb ass for correcting some one else.


Well-Known Member
Which is easier to bust? Some guy growing weed on gods green earth or a bunch of fuck nuts that grow in their own house then advertise it on Roll It Up?


First stop your own illegal activity, then you won't sound like such a dumb ass for correcting some one else.
when your in prison make sure not to drop the soap. You are going to get caught, maybe not right away, maybe not even this try, but its inevitable. do you really think people in your area dont know what a pot plant looks like? do you think about how much cannabis smells? Your plan is doomed to failure. im just being straight up with you.


Well-Known Member
Say what you want now, but when your sitting in the county jail on multiple felony manufacture and possesion of thc charges what will you say then? I really hope for your sake you dont get caught, you need to be a little more thick skinned and not take stuff personal. comparing being on here and talking vaguely about your grow and the risk of growing all over the place in your town where people can stumble upon it is flawed. Personal attacking me doesnt help your case btw, it only makes you look worse.


Active Member
LOL typical hypocrite. Doesn't take his own advice.

But you are right about something. This is indeed a lonely mans job. Indeed I was forthcoming with you of my operations in agriculture. And indeed this is a dangerous thing to share.

I have made my mistakes and have learned from them. More then your pathetic attempts could ever teach me, but I have learned that mans tongue can not be trusted. No, not even your closest friends can be told of your secret combination.

I have learned to plant my fields alone. And to reap my harvest in silence and solitude. My great achievements to be lost. So that we as a world can know a higher understanding of things. To free our selves from a mundane mind and go beyond our limits of thinking. We can finally manipulate the one thing science can never fully understand. Our very existence. The logic that makes each and every one of us. To change that equation to manipulate the wave patterns that make us, and reveal another side to the human mind.

That is what I give the world. In darkness, knowledge, understanding, and silence I will reap what I sow.

To find me is to chase a shadow.


Well-Known Member
LOL typical hypocrite. Doesn't take his own advice.

But you are right about something. This is indeed a lonely mans job. Indeed I was forthcoming with you of my operations in agriculture. And indeed this is a dangerous thing to share.

I have made my mistakes and have learned from them. More then your pathetic attempts could ever teach me, but I have learned that mans tongue can not be trusted. No, not even your closest friends can be told of your secret combination.

I have learned to plant my fields alone. And to reap my harvest in silence and solitude. My great achievements to be lost. So that we as a world can know a higher understanding of things. To free our selves from a mundane mind and go beyond our limits of thinking. We can finally manipulate the one thing science can never fully understand. Our very existence. The logic that makes each and every one of us. To change that equation to manipulate the wave patterns that make us, and reveal another side to the human mind.

That is what I give the world. In darkness, knowledge, understanding, and silence I will reap what I sow.

To find me is to chase a shadow.
Good luck, I really mean it when i say i hope you dont get caught. You not telling anyone will help, but its still a huge risk your taking. You can say what you want about me, it doesnt really bother me to be honest.