Stealth Grow Box


Hey guys, I am very new to this site, and this is my first post so if this is the wrong location for the post, i apologize. Anyways, I have a friend who is planning on growing in his room, and the poor fool is 19 and still living with his mom. He has a shelf about 3 feel high in the corner of his room, which he never uses and his mom is aware of this fact. Today we devised an, honestly, kind of sketchy plan for how we would grow his newly planted seedlings. The box is meant to be a shelf, and we removed all the shelvesand plan to seal the box with a shitload of duct tape in the back, the only place where it is open besides the front. In the front, there is a metal grate with a handle that slides up so that you can access the shelves. The grate slides up and around on a sliding track, and down to the floor on the oposite side of the box, all still inside the box ofcourse. (will post pics asap)

As far as the lights, we plan on going to a pet store and getting some from there. His mom never goes snooping around in his room, but occasionally opens the door to ask him something or whatever. The main problem is the smell that will occur during flowering. We have both grown plants before out in the wild, but since the abandoned lot we used is now a construction site, that will no longer work. We have decided to get some air fresheners to mask the scent, and use a shitload of duct tape to seal as much as possible. Air freshener inside the box, and outside the box in his room. Does anyone here have any tips for masking/sealing off the box so that the smell of the flowering process will not be a problem? I have heard about using ozone or carbon filters but we dont really have a lot of money to do this. Now I know that many of you dont approve of growing in a parents house, even a 19 year old, but this is his choice, and I am simply helping him to keep from getting caught. If anyone can help, it would be very appreciated. BTW, I have given him a plant formula obtained from a hydroponic system that we will use to water it, but this info doesn't pertain too much to the main problem, hiding/sealing off the scent.

EDIT: I actually decided to go with a design for a homemade carbon filter, and very inexpensive. I didn't want to mess with filters but this seems to be a good idea. It uses a filter from a car, and active carbon from a pet store. My question NOW is will this be sufficient to keep the scent from escaping into the room, or at least enough for it to not be noticeable? I will post pics along the way for the entire growth period and of the enclosure used so that others may benefit from this.

Thanks guys,
