Stealth draws?


Well-Known Member
Right i have had a think about it and i think im def gonna TRY and build my own cabinet with the help of Stealth. I will say now i cant even usally put up flat pack furniture without messing it up and usually do one job and create 7 but i will have a go.

Now ideally i would like to have 12-15oz every 10 weeks so from what ive read that would mean i would need a flowering room and a veg room.

I dont really want to have more than 10 plants because i dont want to look like im doing it for commercial gain IF anything ever did happen so that would be 5 flowering and 5 vegging.

I have been reading alot about SCROG growing so i think i would like to give that a try. I want to use a 600 watt light ideally so not sure if that would be enough for a 5 plant scrog?

So i know what type of cabinet now (scrog room and veg room) i just dont know about size.

I can probaly go up to 1.2mtr wide, 800cm deep and2mtrs high but as small as possible would be good.

On a side note the breadknife said she wants no holes drilling into wall or ceiling so i can see this being a problem.
Hi Dude, glad to hear your gunna build your own :) and I am glad to be of help :) If at 1st you dont succeed will :) cos I am here to help! You want to do a perpetual grow room that includes a veg and flowering room, Thats cool I'd like that too :) I am doing a SCROG too so I can help you out there too, 600s are hella hot to try n cool silently But we need to look into a few things * The spare room... Does it back onto your bedroom? Does it go against a neighbours wall and how big is it?

If you could buy a cab that size that would be nice, A good size to start with! Dont worry my Mrs said the same thing lol :) I manage to run a 600, although I am only using a 250 at the moment...There are little tricks that I'll advise you on nearer the time, Also you'll be very happy with your results from Hydro DWC is the simplest method and it works astoundingly, I gotta hit the sack now n am off to see Pendulum tommoz so I should be free to help again by Saturday.

Try n get a cupboard as soon as possible, upload some pics including just your spare room and the window etc and we can get started, I am looking forward to getting started on this, its good that I can help you .. I've been feeling a little lost since I've completed my cupboard :) lol - STELTHY :leaf:


Just found this wardrobes place i can get any size diy cabinet i want. A 1200 x 800 x 2000 works out at £264 i think you can different finishes on like maple and oak but its an extra 100 notes so i can jaz it up myself. i could go slightly wider and higher if need be.

When you get time stealth can you have a butchers because you can add draws and dividers etc but im not sure if they will be of any use.

Ill get some pics of the room tomorrow and enjoy your gig, they were at a festival i went to but missed them because i was wasted lol.

Stealth is primary for me noise wise and odour wise because one wiff or a noisy cabinet the misses will hit the roof. like i say ill get pics up tomorrow. Im a little woried about this not venting into the attic but we can discuss that at a later date. Misses just worries because we rent our house.


King Tut
I found some locally that are refurbished, insulated, and delivered for $1500 8x10' and $2500 8x20'. Sound reasonable? I could get a LOT of equipment and supplies for the difference in price.


Right i thik ive may have blagged my misses into letting me have the big spare room instead of the little one:)

This means i may expand the cabinet to 1.2mtrx1.2mtrx2mtr which i think would be better.

Pics will follow of both rooms today for you stealth.


Right i have decided on my cabinet size now, 1400mm wide x 1100mm deep x 2000mm high.

£353 thats just for the unit and no shelves. Let me know how many shelves to order stealthy mate or they do made to measure partions aswell:).

Only downside is there cut off date for new order is 9 December and if want it before new year ill need to pay £30 priority charge which will get it me in 3 days which i shouldnt really call a downside as i can start sooner.

I figure this size will allow me to do a 3 x 3 600 watt scrog if thats the way i go and a veg room. I was also wondering if there was some way of incorporating a drying room aswell in there?

Im hoping to yeild 12-15oz+ every 8 weeks if this is possible in this size enviroment?

Right some pics of the room i want to do it in, excuse the mess and my crappie photo skills but i was lucky enough to aquire some temple ball today so im baked lol.

First pic is the window and blind, second is a pic of the side wall, third is the wall where i want my cabinet to be, its directly behind the walk in wardrobe that you can see in the forth pic. Fifth pic is just the room i have in the roof of the wardrobe.

Now im a total noob but i was thinking of either extracting or venting going through the wall in the third pic and into the attic via the wardrobe ceiling. Not sure if this would make alot of noise or not though.

Im really excited and itching to start, was thinking also as the cabinet has to be assembled by me it may be easier to line with mylar and then put it together.

Only problem i will have is putting it up myself, i could ask my bro in law to help i suppose but didnt really want to tell anyone.

They said they could pre-dowel the panels which i think would mean it would all just slot together?

Anyway sorry for the rant and thanks again stealthy mate for offereing to help, if i can turn this into a self contained unit with no noise or smell ill be a very happy man.

Off for another go on the temple:)



Sorry pics are mixed up lol. First is window, second side wall, fourth is the wall i want to put my cabinet, fifth is walk in wardrobe in our bedroom and third is space in the wardrobe lol. I dont know how to move them to the proper order.


Well-Known Member
Hi dude... I've just got back from the show :) it was awesome, propper loud lol! I've had a quick look at your pics and will fabricate some designs later tommoz, The cab your talking about sounds good..I will draw out a few ideas tomoz and then we can figure out how many shelves etc we need, also I was wondering if you could get hold of an inexpensive medium AC unit from a diy store at all, its just an idea but may mean you can run the 600 easily and with out the need to open the window etc (keeping it more Stealth) As I say I'll work on some designs for you tommoz but really need to hit the sack now, Cheers for posting the 1st lot of pics - STELTHY :leaf:


Mate i dont mind what i spend within reason as im looking at this as a long term investment and if it will be better with an AC unit stealth wise then so be it.

Thanks for the help mate. Just let me know what you think when tomorow and ill get the unit ordered, i think its 30 quid for 2 shelves.

Also your opinions on a built in drying cabinet would be good too.


Well-Known Member
That cabinet for over 1500 is ridiculous. For what it is and the price they ask, I should get head atleast twice. Anybody that has access to a walmart furniture section can create one. Save the grow accessories.


Sorry to keep changing things stealthy mate but ive been looking at this thread

I think it looks good and a 4ft wide by 3ft deep scrog with 5 plants is now what im thinking while having another 5 in a vegging room. Thing is though 4ft is 1220mm approx so what width cabinet would i need to fit in a veg room aswell?

Ive also been thinking about putting it on that side wall in the pic but because its deep it wont look right in the room, you would hardly be able to get through the door so im now gonna place it on the big back wall and i can still extract/vent out of the side of the cabinet through the wardrobe and into the loft. This would also means i can go slightly wider with the cabinet aswell but i dont want to over do it ill go with what ever you say is the minimum width i would need.

The back wall is directly behind my neighbours bedroom but i cant see it being a problem.

I was wondering what bottom position to have also as it asks on the design site.

Ive been doing alot of reading up and i rekon with your help i can set up a mega stealth scrog cabinet to be proud of:) Obvioulsy i dont want to over spend but i want all the best stuff etc as in a few years what i save on buying will make it pay for itself.

I smoke alot so do you think ill be able to yeild 12oz plus off this set up every 8-10 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hi again dude, just got up lol n its nearly time to hit the sack again last night was heavy! Would it pay to have a VEG/DRYING cupboard & a FLOWERING cupboard...
2 seperate cabs!?..That way you could grow more plants and also have a place to dry your buds, Since you have the spare room to ur self make use of the space :) I would love to have a whole room to kit out, makes the hairs on my neck stand up just thinking about it lol :) let me know what you think, try n decide if you would like 2 seperate cabs or just the one and I'll do my best to draw up some good designs for you Ill be back on line a bit later..I gotta help the Mrs out :) lol - STELTHY :leaf:


I think id like just 1 self containded cabinet mate, i only really plan on sticking to 10 plants total, 5 flowering and 5 vegging. The misses isnt that happy about it anyway but i have tried to tell her if i can get the yeilds i want it will pay for itself plus im not telling anyone but she is still worried.

If need be i could always build a small seperate stealth drying cabinet. Imtrying to make the room look like a tidy junk room so to speak so i think one cabinet would look better. that way in anyone was just to go on there it wouldnt look out of place.

I dont want to go over 1100 deep and 2000 high just not sure of width. I dont realy want to be going stupid wide maybe 1700-1800 max.

Ill leave it with you mate.


Well-Known Member
I think id like just 1 self containded cabinet mate, i only really plan on sticking to 10 plants total, 5 flowering and 5 vegging. The misses isnt that happy about it anyway but i have tried to tell her if i can get the yeilds i want it will pay for itself plus im not telling anyone but she is still worried.

If need be i could always build a small seperate stealth drying cabinet. Imtrying to make the room look like a tidy junk room so to speak so i think one cabinet would look better. that way in anyone was just to go on there it wouldnt look out of place.

I dont want to go over 1100 deep and 2000 high just not sure of width. I dont realy want to be going stupid wide maybe 1700-1800 max.

Ill leave it with you mate.

Ok cool :) 1 cab it is then...I'll do a design to include a drying room and 1 without then I'll post them up sometime this evening. I think if 1800cm wide is the max you can go then 1800cm it should be :) the other Dimensions sound fine!!

So were looking at a cab thats :- 1100cm Deep X 2000cm High X 1800cm Wide. Thats a good sized cab and am pretty sure I'll be able to come up with a nice setup for you :)

Are you able to buy the cab in this size? or do you need to buy the wood and make it from scratch?

Ive decided I'll make a list of things you'll need and need to choose between shortly, as its always good to have a things to buy list, that way you can keep track of the essentials and work more efficiently :)

Do you want the inside to be Matt white? Flat Mylar or Dimpled Mylar in my opinion Flat my is pretty good but a pain to wipe clean, Flat Mylar is nice for 400W and under and Dimpled Mylar (like mine) is best for 400W and above because it displaces intense light build up and stop hotspots (a good idea) :)

Do you want to run a boostable 400w Ballast or a Boostable 600w Ballast 400's are easyier to cool, the fan will run fairly loudly to cool a 600, But personal choice once again!

Also you'll need an air cooled reflector there are loads to choose from, I had a cool-tube. Cooltubes cool nicely although lumen output is reduced! I really like Sun Systems range, Mine is the 'Super Sun 2' But in the unit we have decided on you can go a bit bigger so I'd look at either the Sun Systems 'XXXL' or the Sun Systems 'Blockbuster' I'll post some pics and try n find out the dimensions for you :)

I chose to have a 6" inline fan with a built in Thermostat, this is useful because if the grow room heats up to much the fan speeds up and cools the room back to your setting ie 26oC , and once it regains a steady temp of 26oC the fan will slow back down again...Its very useful not to mention helpful,

First things 1st though, you need to get the cab, I wouldn't worry about shelves or dividers as of yet!! Mainly because we need to buy the equiptment to go inside 1st, once the equiptment has been obtained we can work out how much space everything will take up and go from there

I'll get busy drawing up a few possible designs and post a few Sun Systems reflectors. - STELTHY :leaf:


Yes mate i can get the cab made to measure and pre doweled so i just have to put it together, misses is gonna help me so nobody else knows. Is it worth adding 2 shelves with it, again made to measure so im sure they will come in handy and there only £30. Not sure it its cheaper to make shelves? As i say im not known for my DIY skills lol and dont drive to go and pick up wood etc. Plus i want to keep sawing to a minimum because ill prob mess it up lol.

I havent looked into the equipment i need yet to be honest so ill go with what ever you think is the best. Im gonna be leanring how to grow as the time gets closer lol

As for the fan again ill go for the best/stealthiest you recomend. Ive read sometimes its better to get one bigger than you need and run it at a low speed for stealth but agaiin ill leave it up to you.

Ill go for the dimpled mylar if its better. Id rather spend now to save in future.

I just need to know bottom position and clearance mate so let me know on those also and i can get the cab ordered tmrw for delivery this week:)

Oh the bab is made of 18mm MDF so not sure what exact internal dimensions are.


Well-Known Member

Magnum XXXL- 150mm Air-Cooled Reflector


Magnum XXXL- 150mm Air-Cooled Reflector

* The largest reflectors in the industry!

* Reflector dimensions: 32 1/2" long x 26 1/4" wide x 7 3/4" tall

* Includes tempered glass, built-in socket & 15 ft. lamp cord

* Completely sealed - featuring gasketed glass and integrated retention bars to hold glass tightly in place

* 95% reflective German aluminum interior offers excellent reflectivity and diffusion

* Re-strike bend above the lamp for optimum performance

* Powder-coated galvanized steel body

* Maximum air cooling with built-in 6" fittings