

New Member
TAUGHT - key word.
any "decent human does not need to be taught. we have a complex brain that can undertsand that when another person is being harmed in anyway that is wrong. pretty simple if you ask me.

just dont do anything that hurts someone else in any way.. like stealing...


New Member
you would swear that FDD is working for youtube with the amount of links he has posted to them


great site eh Fdd?


Well-Known Member
O.K. Wiki I guess I'll have to let this go because I really can't debate it with you. I will make one last reference to the rape scenario. What makes it wrong? Is it because you or I say so? Is it the ideal? Would it still be wrong if you were raised to believe it was O.K.? What could you say to justify it's wrongness other than presenting the ideal that it's wrong? I don't think it's right, but does that justify it being wrong?

-we are the only creatures on the entire planet that determine right & wrong so how did we not create those ideals? Did they create themselves? Not tryin' to be a smart ass.
Would it still be wrong if you were raised to believe it was ok? -- YES, it would still be wrong, I can't believe you even asked that. If someone raped you, or someone close to you, would "Oh, he was raised to think that was ok" be enough of an excuse for YOU?

You keep refering to animals, as if they can even be used as a comparison to human behavior. Animals don't rape. Animals don't murder. Animals don't have complex human emotions. A female animal isn't going to murder her mate because he was sleeping with his secretary.

Animals are motivated by instincts and the need to survive. Humans are a lot more complex than that. We're on a different level, it makes sense that we would have to deal with issues like right and wrong.

Do you really think animals compare to humans, especially for the purposes of this debate?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't matter I don't need an excuse, but it some countries to my knowledge raping isn't all that bad - someone's idea I guess. Aren't human beings simply complex animals? I would argue that animals do have emotions. They might not be like ours, but I don't think we truly know how they feel. We on a different level alright - we are uncivilized in my opinion.


New Member
This is a continuation of a thread that was started in the wrong forum and ended up being closed because it got a bit out of hand.

So, do you think stealing is ok? Personally I think it make us pot users as a whole look back when kids (and sadly, adults) steal.
is taht a real question?


Well-Known Member
You still haven't answered my question as to what makes it just is huh?
Please tell me why I should continue to present my side when you have yet to give ANYTHING in defense for anything you've said. Nothing to prove that your opinions might have any merit. Me giving all of my opinions and explanations in exchange for your ideas without anything to back them up -- that is an unbalanced debate, and it gets boring.

When you're ready to actually give me something from your side, rather than just throw question after question at me, let me know, and I'll come back :grin:


Well-Known Member
You don't have to continue & I also don't need to defend anything I've said. What I said is not an opinion, but fact that right & wrong are simply ideas and that's all they are. I am sorry to bore you, but that's how I feel - it's not right or wrong. I hope that we can have a better debate in the future about something else perhaps. In my opinion the human ego is partially where right & wrong come from. Think about this...if someone gets beat up it could be right or wrong right? Sorry to end with a question.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If it's not wrong for someone to rape, it's not wrong for me to avenge.

Come on man, everyone knows that harming another for no reason is counterproductive to a peaceful society.For every action, there are consequences and repercussions.The young who have survived birth must be protected,that's instinct that we were born with.Rape and molestation are abominations, defects in the personality that are not about anything productive at all.So are people who kill without reason, such as psychopaths,sociopaths, and all the other dangerous personality disorders.Since we have suspended the natural order,these traits have evolved because humans have no natural predators.This is just my opinion.
O.K. Wiki I guess I'll have to let this go because I really can't debate it with you. I will make one last reference to the rape scenario. What makes it wrong? Is it because you or I say so? Is it the ideal? Would it still be wrong if you were raised to believe it was O.K.? What could you say to justify it's wrongness other than presenting the ideal that it's wrong? I don't think it's right, but does that justify it being wrong?

-we are the only creatures on the entire planet that determine right & wrong so how did we not create those ideals? Did they create themselves? Not tryin' to be a smart ass.


Well-Known Member
If it's not wrong for someone to rape, it's not wrong for me to avenge.

Come on man, everyone knows that harming another for no reason is counterproductive to a peaceful society.For every action, there are consequences and repercussions.The young who have survived birth must be protected,that's instinct that we were born with.Rape and molestation are abominations, defects in the personality that are not about anything productive at all.So are people who kill without reason, such as psychopaths,sociopaths, and all the other dangerous personality disorders.Since we have suspended the natural order,these traits have evolved because humans have no natural predators.This is just my opinion.
maybe our society was never meant to be peaceful. maybe we are all really savages at heart and we just haven't fully evolved yet. :blsmoke:


New Member
fdd that is my theory .... If you think about it ... the human civilization is fairly young. Not too long ago we thought the earth was flat .. Not too long ago we had slavery.... This is what gives me hope for prosperity of our kind. The dinosaurs walked the earth for millions of years... Modern humans only lived a few thousand.. . Like I said in the travis barker post... Maybe we were meant to kill ourselves off so that the whole evolutionary process begins all over again.. But it is also possible we will never kill ourselves, and just keep evolving until eventually we don't even look like we do now anymore.. We'll evolve to no longer grow hair because it's uneeded, or no longer have the ability to hate.


Well-Known Member
fdd that is my theory .... If you think about it ... the human civilization is fairly young. Not too long ago we thought the earth was flat .. Not too long ago we had slavery.... This is what gives me hope for prosperity of our kind. The dinosaurs walked the earth for millions of years... Modern humans only lived a few thousand.. . Like I said in the travis barker post... Maybe we were meant to kill ourselves off so that the whole evolutionary process begins all over again.. But it is also possible we will never kill ourselves, and just keep evolving until eventually we don't even look like we do now anymore.. We'll evolve to no longer grow hair because it's uneeded, or no longer have the ability to hate.
in 100 years the planet will be over populated. simple as that. unless something changes.


Well-Known Member
I made 90 bucks in 15 mins yesterday stealing from Wal-Mart. I know I should feel bad but it's kinda hard when me and my baby were eating steaks last night. And the ribs defrosting right now make it kinda hard to feel bad too;-)