Stealing from the MAN


Well-Known Member
You ARE the Idiot, because everytime someone calls the city to get a light installed on the light pole outside their house, they are charged a 60-100 dollar fee. aka, they pay for the light to be put up, and then they pay their electricity bill on it. However its basically set up like an insurance plan. Every light that goes out on your light pole is replaced free of charge by the city aka the tax payers. That bulb costs the city a little under 15 bucks. They buy in bulk and they stock the line men up with those lights like their butterscotch pocket candy. So assuming you pay your taxes, your paying at least enough to pay a total replacement bulb for 1 of those street lights. aka, when u get that 1 street light, your getting YOUR street light. I've just covered the entire process that lays it all out for you and shows you that stealing/taking 1 street light is in no way taking something that you didnt pay for. It's in fact stealing/taking(whatever you feel like calling it) something that was equally if not over paid for. They actually make profit off taxes- you gotta remember.

the nakme calling is inappropriate.


Well-Known Member
Ok, can you please re-explain?

"everytime someone calls the city to get a light installed on the light pole outside their house, they are charged a 60-100 dollar fee. aka, they pay for the light to be put up, and then they pay their electricity bill on it" -- that makes it sound like people pay for the light in front of their house, and pay to have it replaced.

"Every light that goes out on your light pole is replaced free of charge by the city aka the tax payers." -- THAT makes it sound like the taxpayers pay for it.</quote>

Ok- jesus i feel like im trying to teach a retard sign language. - when the light is put up, theres 1 charge of 60-100 dollars. OK? Are you following or have i lost you? I probably lost you, but ill continue anyways. When that light goes missing or blows, the city comes and replaces it. The home owner is not charged any fees for replacing the bulb. i said that is the sentence below it. Dont guess you can read very well.

So who pays for it, the person who owns the house, or the taxpayers? Are you saying the person who owns the house pays for the original installation, and the tax payers pay for the replacements when they're stolen? Isn't that still stealing from the taxpayers then?</quote>

The fact the home owner paid for the installation of that light, plus the fact that the homeowner pays his taxes, which in return covers the cost of replacing that 1 bulb, gives that homeowner the right to go get his bulb he paid for with his taxes if he likes. The homeowner next to him pays his taxes also. So he also has the right to grab a light. and so on and so forth. If the original homeowner were to go grab his bulb and his neighbors bulb, then that in fact would be innappropriate and i would consider that stealing.

And who says this guy is only stealing the street light in front of his house? Most people I've heard of stealing street lights were NOT stealing the one right in front of their house. </quote>

Never said stealing more then 1 street light was right.. like i said stealing/taking 1 street light is ok. Now if you wanna be picky and say, ah but what if its not the street light in front of your own house. It doesnt matter. The community pays taxes and its put into a big pool of money and that pool of money buys all the bulbs. Get it? so your part of the pool of money covers your for 1 bulb.

I don't know where you live, but at this time of year, it dark outside by 5. I know I was allowed to play outside past 5.</quote>
Well it dont get dark here until 7 or 8. But thats not the point, the point is in most places there isnt street light hung. Just like my neighborhood i recently moved into. There were no street lights at all. it was completely dark around here. My dad went through the neighborhood and hung the lights and connected them to the main line so no one had to pay electricity on them and the city never knew he put them there. so they're basically free lights for our community. No one is paying for them.

Kids don't always think about cars, they don't always think to look both ways, especially if they're younger. Kids assume the cars will stop, that the person will see them.</quote>

Car's headlights are designed to shine far enough ahead to give the driver plenty of time to stop. Now if the car is already withing 5 feet of the child, the child would actually have to run and jump to get hit by the car. I've never known a kid to get hit in a residential neighborhood anyways. Even if the kid did jump out there, the car isnt supposed to be going over 15 mph or so anyways, so it would be the cars fault. Not the street lights fault.(if you will)

It is not that far fetched that a kid could get hit in a residential neighborhood because the driver couldn't see him. All it takes is a kid running out from between two cars and the driver not seeing them in time.

And what if the kid was deaf? You don't know any deaf children? I do.</qoute>

you're assuming i dont know any deaf children, and why are you even bring this up, it has nothing to do with our arguement. Sure i know deaf children, I know they cant fucking hear, duh! So what?

Everything you said did nothing to prove that a kid couldn't get hurt because a driver couldn't see him because someone stole a street light.</quote>

Street light is not the only factor. Theres usually headlights from cars or if there isnt headlights from cars, then its usually quiet and the only thing u CAN hear is the cars tires on the pavement closing in. i think it would take either a blind,deaf, or kid with down syndrome to get hit by a car in a residential neighborhood. And if the kid has any of those problems the kid shouldnt be out at even dusk.

What are you talking about? Why are you bringing up the Bible, or Church? Did I mention either of those things? I don't remember it if I did, but then again I'm pretty high right now. </quote>

the bible thing was referring to the question you asked about why i asked if you went to church, its just a question, and no i didnt say it had anything to do with this arguement. It was for my own satisfaction of knowing that im working with a brain washed individual. That's all.

Do you really think the only reason stealing is wrong is because the Church or the government says so? I don't, and I don't believe others do either. I know plenty of Atheists who hate thieves on GP. Has nothing to do with God, or the government. </quote>

Stealing is wrong.. never said it wasnt wrong. However there you go again referring to stealing in GENERAL. Not this particular case. I however dont agree with your statement: stealing is stealing is stealing. Stealing a light bulb off a light pole is in no way the same as stealing 4 billion dollars cash from a bank. Your gunna need to open your mind up a little bit to understand that concept.

Stealing is wrong. The Golden Rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You don't steal because you would not appreciate being stolen from.</quote>

Yes do un to others as you would have them do un to you. That statement in no way referrs to the fact that getting a light, you paid for, off of a pole, is wrong.

The Golden Rule isn't based on the bible, it's based on ethics stemming from Greek philosophy. Ethic of reciprocity, it's a fundamental moral value.</quote>

Yep, Greece, where our government originated...

Are you serious? You really think marijuana is illegal because it "unbrainwashes people"? lol, that's so silly I'm not even gonna bother with it.
Ok, dont bother with it. Only because you cant Prove that statement wrong. Prove it, and ill will rest my case!


Well-Known Member
the message is messed up and i dont feel like fixin it, but you can read my replies underneath everyone of yours.


Well-Known Member
and fdd. If you have a problem if i call someone an Idiot, then this site has no future. There will be name calling. It's a forum for christs sake. Forums=intense conversation.


Well-Known Member
and fdd. If you have a problem if i call someone an Idiot, then this site has no future. There will be name calling. It's a forum for christs sake. Forums=intense conversation.

anymore and i will issue you infractions. name calling is NOT allowed or tolerated. thank you. :peace:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Yeah! Shut up fdd2blk! You not the boss of this site! Oh, wait, OK sorry.

The Burk (Nick not wikid :-)) is right, this is a discussion about opinions and can't really ever be settled, but in the words of Joseph somebody "It is better to debate an argument without settling it then to settle an argument without debating it."

Talking about cars, I'm sure both Nick and Wikid (if they drive) have broken the speed limit on the road, done 32 in a 30 zone for example. In my opinion this is virtually the same as stealing one street light, if not worse. Both are against the law and have negative effects, wheras stealing a street light is stealing a miniscule amount of money, speeding has a miniscule chance of "stealing somebodies life" in wikid's own words.

Also, Nicks theory about why marijuana is illegal isn't ridiculous, it's probably not completely true but I'm pretty sure it has crossed some people in the governments minds and I definatly wouldn't be surprised if it was part of the government's intentions behind keeping it illegal.


Well-Known Member
:clap:haha, eewwww im scared of an infraction! I've already gotten one. I'm still here posting, am i not? go ahead, dont bother me none, even if you banned my account, ill just make another one and be right back on here posting again. So threaten me with your silly infractions all you want, it's whatever:fire:


Well-Known Member
:clap:haha, eewwww im scared of an infraction! I've already gotten one. I'm still here posting, am i not? go ahead, dont bother me none, even if you banned my account, ill just make another one and be right back on here posting again. So threaten me with your silly infractions all you want, it's whatever:fire:

you get 3 infraction before you receive a 10 day ban. 5 infractions is a permanent ban. multiple accounts will be banned. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i've given a lot of thought to the moralities of things and I still can't decide for sure - every instance will be different. i do know that some of you are kidding yourselves with regards to 'the man' and the costs involved are more complex than you think - don't mess yourself around

the only thing I can be reasonably sure of is that your everyday guy doesn't deserve to suffer so you can save a few tens of pounds on a lamp. if you steal a road or construction site lamp, you're that twat that has a few drinks and gets into his car, then breaks some guys spine and walks away himself. steal it from somewhere it's not protecting someones safety

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So they'll ban your IP.What the hell?If you're just on here to be a troll, that says a lot about your level of immaturity. Go steal your street light.Hope ya get caught.Then you can explain how you don't have to go to jail because the taxpayers paid for it.To the policemen the taxpayers pay to make sure folks don't steal the street lights.:roll:
:clap:haha, eewwww im scared of an infraction! I've already gotten one. I'm still here posting, am i not? go ahead, dont bother me none, even if you banned my account, ill just make another one and be right back on here posting again. So threaten me with your silly infractions all you want, it's whatever:fire:


Well-Known Member
not if i dont have the same IP address. =P get some homie! I'm moving to a new address very soon, so all i need is to make a new acccount once im there and you'll never trace me.


Well-Known Member
So they'll ban your IP.What the hell?If you're just on here to be a troll, that says a lot about your level of immaturity. Go steal your street light.Hope ya get caught.Then you can explain how you don't have to go to jail because the taxpayers paid for it.To the policemen the taxpayers pay to make sure folks don't steal the street lights.:roll:

im not on here to be a troll at all. I'm here to learn how to grow. I just cant stand people like wikid(who happens to be the perfect troll) trying to annoy people with her dumb arguements. people like that need to get laid.


Well-Known Member
It's ok to have a conversation and agree to disagree, but when its prolonged like it has been, it takes people like me to come in here and shut her up.:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
And for you stoney. Where's the rule on this forum that states i have to be mature anyways, altho i wasnt being immature, i dont see a rule stating i cant be immature, so even if i were to be immature, you cant do shit about it now can you? exactly.. now go smoke some weed and chill the fuck out and leave me alone.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I happen to agree that stealing is stealing.I know you mentioned some similarity between this subject and the illegality of marijuana.Let me clarify.We choose to smoke marijuana because we recognize that any law dictating what you do with your own body, as long as it harms noone else,is unconstitutional.Stealing does harm others, even if it is only minutely.The cost of that street light repair IS paid for by the taxpayer,even if it's spread out amongst all of them.Now, I myself have stolen in the past.I know it was wrong, even though it was not from a specific person.I tried to justify it by saying I was stealing from a corporation.Fine.Not so bad as stealing your Grandmother's last five dollars,but still stealing.If you want to do it, do it.Why would you need anyone else's input or approval unlkess you feel guilty about it?
im not on here to be a troll at all. I'm here to learn how to grow. I just cant stand people like wikid(who happens to be the perfect troll) trying to annoy people with her dumb arguements. people like that need to get laid.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, like you stated before, this is a forum.And this is a discussion in this forum.I have just as much right to expound upon the topic as you.What's fair for one is fair for all.
And for you stoney. Where's the rule on this forum that states i have to be mature anyways, altho i wasnt being immature, i dont see a rule stating i cant be immature, so even if i were to be immature, you cant do shit about it now can you? exactly.. now go smoke some weed and chill the fuck out and leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
now where in this thread have i asked approval or input on whether or not stealing is stealing? .. yea exactly.. no where. I've already made my points to answer your statement you made about stealing. It's not taking from the community if you take 1 street light. now i dont feel like sitting down with a calculator and adding up my amount of taxes plus everyone elses in my community, but i assure you, if you did calculate your taxes that you paid forth to the government, i promise it would cover the amount for 1 friggin light bulb.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Then why are you arguing so adamantly about it?If you don't need input or approval, why are you justifying it?Do it and be done.
now where in this thread have i asked approval or input on whether or not stealing is stealing? .. yea exactly.. no where. I've already made my points to answer your statement you made about stealing. It's not taking from the community if you take 1 street light. now i dont feel like sitting down with a calculator and adding up my amount of taxes plus everyone elses in my community, but i assure you, if you did calculate your taxes that you paid forth to the government, i promise it would cover the amount for 1 friggin light bulb.


Well-Known Member
Because i feel like argueing, do you have a problem with that? I enjoy watching punks like you talk all this shit behind your little keyboard, but if we were face to face you'd be shitting you britches.