Stealing from the MAN


Well-Known Member
I dont sponser any children, that's the point. You can go on about people being immoral for commiting a virtually harmless act like stealing a street light all you want but you can't critisize someone for something like that when there are much worse things happening which we all ignore. Taking a miniscule amount of money of a load of people, how horrifically immoral, who gives a shit? not me.
I could see arguing that stealing FOOD because you have no money to feed your children is less immoral.

But when you steal something that you don't absolutely need to survive, you have no argument.


Well-Known Member
Wikid ive had enough of your shit. Those street lights are equally ours as they are yours. so stealing 1.. equals stealing our part of the street lights we pay for.. stealing 20.. yea then im stealing from YOU.


Well-Known Member
1 a: to take or appropriate without right or leave and with intent to keep or make use of wrongfully <stole a car> b: to take away by force or unjust means <they've stolen our liberty> c: to take surreptitiously or without permission <steal a kiss> d: to appropriate to oneself or beyond one's proper share : make oneself the focus of <steal the show>2 a: to move, convey, or introduce secretly : smuggle b: to accomplish in a concealed or unobserved manner <steal a visit>3 a: to seize, gain, or win by trickery, skill, or daring <a basketball player adept at stealing the ball> <stole the election> bof a base runner : to reach (a base) safely solely by running and usually catching the opposing team off guard


Well-Known Member
she said it was cool though?
Then it's not stealing is it?

My point is, the definition isn't going to spell out EVERY instance that would be considered stealing. It just defines the word, and then you have to just be smart enough to know it when you see it.

Generally, taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing. Even if you FIND something, if you make no attempt to return it to the owner, it's legally considered stealing.


Well-Known Member
I'd be pissed if someone stole my block's street light. Thats not yours, its everyones.

There is no amount of words or logic that can justify such a juvenile act.


Well-Known Member
Then it's not stealing is it?

My point is, the definition isn't going to spell out EVERY instance that would be considered stealing. It just defines the word, and then you have to just be smart enough to know it when you see it.

Generally, taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing. Even if you FIND something, if you make no attempt to return it to the owner, it's legally considered stealing.

WOW , YOU ALMOST ENJOY ARGUING AS MUCH AS ME.awesome. it's so fun even though it's for no reason. haha:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'd be pissed if someone stole my block's street light. Thats not yours, its everyones.

There is no amount of words or logic that can justify such a juvenile act.

of course you'd be pissed, you live in a Quiet, little, redneck, mountain town. you prob only have one

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well.Stealing if you're hungry....justifiable. Stealing lights to grow pot...not.All you're doing is setting the entire cause back.Confirming that stoners are lazy, shiftless thieves who can't EARN enough to support their grows.With that being said, I myself have stolen things, when I was younger.Was it right? No, and I knew that.I'm not trying to justify it.I did it, I was wrong, move along.


Well-Known Member
The nuggets are the draw....those evil little fu&&&&ers. They call me....and every month or so I give in and eat em with sweet and sour....the $1.00 4 nugget offer is awesome.

Okay, back to subject

I used to live in Canada and really liked it. I want to go back but I have to live in the southern heat and NOT FLORIDA. Sorry friends don't let friends move to that state....ewwwwwwwwww.

Okay, back to subject......

Anyways, our government picks and choses in my opion and some of the pickin isn't good. I'm waiting for new leadership and a much better stock market LOL
Im sure the topic has changed by now but,did you know Mcdonalds is the largest purchaser of cattle and chicken ANUS in the world...ASS MCNUGGETS...mmm.mmm:peace: