Stay with MH or Switch to Florescent T5?


A grower friend suggested I switch from my 400W MH light to a 4" x 6 bulb T5 florescent light.

I am currently using one MH 400 W bulb in the Veg room (4 x 4 grow tent), which should produce around 36,000 lumens (according to bulb manufacturer)

If I purchase a 4" by 6 bulb florescent fixture, it will produce about 30,000 lumens and use about 324 watts (6 bulbs x 54 watts each)

So, using the florescent system I save 76 watts over the MH = about 41 Kw hours a month or about $9 a month. (76 watts X 18 hours X 30 days /1000 * .25/watt)

The florescent fixture will cost me about $250 w/ s&h.

The advantage of the Florescent, in addition to less watts used is greater area coverage with light and is cooler so it can be placed closer to plants.

Now, I have the 400 watt light already and have a fan in there to cool the light - so I can place the light closer to the plants (about 2 feet above)

Greater light coverage aside, I don't think buying the florescent fixture at this point will save me all that much $ - it will take about 24 months to pay for itself. (figure it saves me $10 a month electricity)

If I was starting out and could purchase florescent or a MH, thenI could see getting the florescent over the MH.

But now, already having the 400 watt light - do I really save that much $ buying the florescent and mothballing the MH?

Or, is the light coverage so much better with florescent that it is worth the investment? At this point, since I am still in the learning/Mr. Wizard/Science experiment phase, I'm not trying to grow for yield, but rather master the techniques and phases.

So, it doesn't seem to me that getting the florescent will be a benefit at this point.
Am I right? or am I missing something...