Statute of limitations


Well-Known Member
I was wondering/hoping if any one had a clue as to what the statute of limitations is for a felony hash charge? I unfortunately had an encounter with the local law enforcement and they found a vial with an unsmokable amount of hash oil smeared on the side. They wrote me up a ticket, on the bottom of the ticket where it said court date, it said i would be contacted with my trial date. Its been almost Nine months and still, i have heard nothing. Maybe they just forgot? Maybe they lost the paper work? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
usa is fucked... i cant belive i smoke a joint on the island in disney land if i knew the laws then i would have never done it


Well-Known Member
In orgen you will get away with either a small fine and some community service or drug awareness classes and community service. The court system can get really backed up with offences and sometimes they realize some things are not worth their time. just make sure to check your ticket to see if they wrote down the right address, cause it would suck to get a warrant out for a failer to appear in court.( happened to me as a minor and I had no idea until stopped by the police.)