State defines limits on medical marijuana in Washington


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SEATTLE - The Health Department set a final rule defining what constitutes a 60-day supply of medical marijuana. The answer: 24-ounces and up to 15 plants.

The rule approved Thursday takes effect on November 1.

The Department of Health was required to adopt the new rule as part of the changes to the state's medical marijuana law passed by legislature. The law is based on an initiative passed by state voters in 1998.

Previously, Washington's medical marijuana law allowed qualifying patients to have up to a 60-day supply, but didn't say how much that was.

The result was a lot of confusion, with patients unsure how much they were allowed to have and police officers arresting people who they thought had too much.

"The final rule is simpler and gives patients and caregivers more flexibility in growing plants," said Secretary of Health Mary Selecky in a news release distributed Thursday.

The 24-ounce rule is more than allowed in some states, but less than allowed in several California counties.