Starting this years crop


Well-Known Member
I have two of those doggy pools and 2 garbage cans i can fill up with all my dirt compost and worms.

I want to get it started before i put it in the ground i plan to get some fox farm soil and then bat guano banana peels and egg shells.

Is there anything else i should get to put in the dirt for right now Ill be getting the nutes later

Also what kind of soil is the best for growing cannibus


Well-Known Member
idk but i remember in like 8th grade or something like that we did a experiment in science class where we started a plant with worms and the other one without and surprizinly the plant with worms wa alot shorter im just putting in my 2 cents im new to this but good luck to ya


Well-Known Member
I have two of those doggy pools and 2 garbage cans i can fill up with all my dirt compost and worms.

I want to get it started before i put it in the ground i plan to get some fox farm soil and then bat guano banana peels and egg shells.

Is there anything else i should get to put in the dirt for right now Ill be getting the nutes later

Also what kind of soil is the best for growing cannibus
check out my 08 grow under How do they look 2 in this outdoor forum. I list the soils I use and you can see my results, also be carefull growing in those kiddy pools as the soil settles and a light breeze can topple your plants if not staked up.. Make sure you poke lots of holes for drainage. Good luck and happy harvest to you...:weed:


Well-Known Member
no no no im just getting the soil and the worms in the pool and then putting the soil in the ground and planting. I just want to make sure the soil is good