Starting outdoor plants now?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering would it be ok to start my seedlings of inside on a window top for about 2-3 weeks and then put them outside? The weather is pretty good, but I only have about 10 hours of light in the day before the darkness kicks in, would there be a problem with this?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
dude, get a shop light for $10 instead of the window and yes you would have a problem with 10 hours of light. your plants would be triggered to flower automatically. what state are u in?


Well-Known Member
I would do it if you had a shop light as stated above "warm white+cool white buld" for spectrum.

But if you start know you can take cuttings for summer. But you gotta start today.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Northern Europe, usually they would be out by May and harvest around September/October.

I would have no problem in getting a light and putting them under for a few weeks, and by doing this would would'nt that mean bigger plant and yield if they were to trigger flower automatically?

j to the c

Well-Known Member
You can grow this inside and put them out on March1st and by the end of April they will be done. clip off the buds and it will re-veg in summer and harvest again in the fall


Well-Known Member
I'm in Northern Europe, usually they would be out by May and harvest around September/October.

I would have no problem in getting a light and putting them under for a few weeks, and by doing this would would'nt that mean bigger plant and yield if they were to trigger flower automatically?
if you get a light and start a few weeks early, yes you will increase your odds of survival and odds of bigger plants and yeild.
about triggering to flower automatically, their are two ways to avoid your plant flowering and revegging.
1. start your seeds on a 16/8 schedule and you should be fine. if your gonna grow them out for a month or so, you could even slowly adjust your daylight time back to your exact amount of daylight hours in the last two weeks.

2. go 18/6 or even 24/7 and wait a little longer to put outside, after june 1 you should be good no matter what light schedule their on. and that should do it.

i know it seems foolish to wait a few weeks longer to put your transplants out but if you can avoid the whole revegging process it will be well worth it. plants waste alot of time revegging and it also adds alot of stress which we want neither of.


Active Member
i would do it if you had a shop light as stated above "warm white+cool white buld" for spectrum.

But if you start know you can take cuttings for summer. But you gotta start today.
can you be mor specific on the type of shop light to use i am trying to start now as well


Well-Known Member
a regular t-12 or t-8 shoplight. they come 2ft & 4 ft. after they get going, 1-2 weeks cool white bulbs are better IMO. the mixed spectrum of warm & cool is a more complete light spectrum, but in my experience you get better leaf growth with cool white 6500k.


Well-Known Member
window method will work fine and they will no flower because 10 hours of light growing out side you need a min of 5 hours and they will not flower they will flower when the days get shorter not just because the low level of light


Well-Known Member
window method will work fine and they will no flower because 10 hours of light growing out side you need a min of 5 hours and they will not flower they will flower when the days get shorter not just because the low level of light

they will no flower because 10 hours of light growing out side you need a min of 5 hours and they will not flower they will flower when the days get shorter not just because the low level of light

im not 100% what your saying but a plant receving 10 hrs light when germinated will begin to flower as it grows. what i wrote in my other comment though is a totally different thing.
in my area the last chance of frost is may 15. at that time we will be receiving roughly 15+ hrs daylight. if i take a plant that i have been vegging indoors since march 1 that has been getting a 24/7 light schedule, and put it outside on may 15, that plant will automatically be receving 9 less hours a day. this confuses & stresses the plant and the plant will begin to pre-maturely flower. while this is happening, the natural amount of daylight is increasing everyday and at a certain point the plant will begin re-vegging or revert back to veg. this wastes a tremendous amount of time and can be avoided if you do what i suggested above.

window method will work fine

you may be able to start your plants and keep them alive this way but why give your plant a mediocre start at life when you can spend just a few dollars and do it correctly. i dont think you will find too many people that having been doing this for awhile wasting their time growing seedlings in a window sill. also i doubt you will have nice healthy transplants when its time to put them out, instead you will likely have thin weak looking plants. ask me how i know this? its not something i just made up , i have a little experience with this.