Starting out

Hey,I'm just starting out. I have a 9'x7' room with 3'6"x 7' partitioned off for flowering. I have 2-600w cool tube lights but only one going right now. I started off with nirvana bubblisous and M.Kush. All 10 seeds have sprouted but one is a slow starter, no biggy, but two have had a yellow ting since they popped. I've read that in another thread that Fox Farms OF may be a little too hot to start sprouts off with. Looking at the attached photo, specifically the two plants in the upper left hand, could the hot soil be causing the yellow?

banks dank

Active Member
Its possible yes...seedlings are fragile....when you repot here soon, mix some perlite in. it will cut the ffof so its not
So hot I do about 1/4 perlite.also helps with drainage. Really nothing
U can do about it now ya know ? Just learn for next time ...


Well-Known Member
yellowing happens from bad nutrients maybe youre bottle is expiredbongsmilie

There are no nutes being fed in this case to start with, it is the FF soil that is nutrient rich from the bag. Hang around young rookie, you have much to learn :)

onemoretime; they'll likely be fine. When you water, give them just enough, don't overwater (or flush etc).

Also, make sure you're pH'ing your water to 6.3-6.5.


There are no nutes being fed in this case to start with, it is the FF soil that is nutrient rich from the bag. Hang around young rookie, you have much to learn :)

onemoretime; they'll likely be fine. When you water, give them just enough, don't overwater (or flush etc).

Also, make sure you're pH'ing your water to 6.3-6.5.

OK, cool, I was thinking of trying to flush them with water and I do PH my water. I've been real careful not to over water them and/or mother them to death. I use a meter to check for watering. Right now my meter reads in the mid-"moist" range. I plan on watering this evening but should I wait tell I see in the "Dry" range or what?


OK, cool, I was thinking of trying to flush them with water and I do PH my water. I've been real careful not to over water them and/or mother them to death. I use a meter to check for watering. Right now my meter reads in the mid-"moist" range. I plan on watering this evening but should I wait tell I see in the "Dry" range or what?
Stick your finger in the soil, man. Get down and dirty with your girls.. See how it feels - you'll get a feel for it pretty quick. :peace:


Active Member
OK, cool, I was thinking of trying to flush them with water and I do PH my water. I've been real careful not to over water them and/or mother them to death. I use a meter to check for watering. Right now my meter reads in the mid-"moist" range. I plan on watering this evening but should I wait tell I see in the "Dry" range or what?
Don't EVER let them completely dry out, especially with organically amended soil. The main problem is you will start to effect all the nice activity in the organic rich soil, basically killing off the beneficial microbes that feed the soil that feeds your plant. It's hard to over water established plants, which your are not yet, so just take it easy for now.

Let them dry out, but not to the point where the peat based mixture starts to shrink from the sides of your solo cups. They do look a bit over watered and FFOF is a pretty strong mix so don't add any fertilizer for now.

Flushing will do nothing for your plants with that mix, you can't really flush out organic material, if anything it will add to your over moisture problem.

banks dank

Active Member

There are no nutes being fed in this case to start with, it is the FF soil that is nutrient rich from the bag. Hang around young rookie, you have much to learn :)

onemoretime; they'll likely be fine. When you water, give them just enough, don't overwater (or flush etc).

Also, make sure you're pH'ing your water to 6.3-6.5.


As joe dirt would say "now thats day one stuff" lol

I found out the hard way to but hey you live and learn!