Starting Indoor Advice


Active Member
hey im looking for some exert veterans who could give me some good advice,,
here's a list of what i have so far,
i got a large box........
170cm in length
205cm in height
and 105cm in width

looking to use around 25-30 pots and have 2 600w halide & 2 600w sodium lights (for both stages)

any advice on what best way to implement fans, how many i would need, critical info i need to control heating, what the humidity should be, etc

please leave some comments, they would be greatly helpful :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well I'm no expert, BUT it sounds like your lighting and number of plants is waaay too much for that size area. Definitely the lighting.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that sounds more reasonable. Maybe you could do 30 for a Sea of Green (SOG) grow, but I wouldn't mess with that until you have some more experience under your belt.

Your area is approx. 19 square feet (if I did the math right haha). 10 - 20 is sounding better...again, I'm sure a real expert indoor grower can answer better. And for lighting I was thinking one 1000 W switchable (MH/HPS) light was more reasonable. Or maybe two 600w switchable lights, since you're area is somewhat rectangular.


Active Member
appreciate it, im trying to grasp as much knowledge as i can over the next days, im using a cool tube (looking to get the second soon) does that make a difference? i was told to get 2 fans, one to take the heat of the lights, and another to bring fresh air from outside, does that sound right? well thats it right now but is there any major info i need to know with this kind of setup? thanks


Well-Known Member
I won't answer about the cool tube because I don't have a damn clue. I recommend going to the grow journal section and looking at some people's who use fluorescents...see what they use.

And yea, keep learning as much as you can. Knowledge can never completely replace experience, but it certainly gets you a leg up.

That fan setup is correct. That will move plenty of fresh air in (which is always good for the plants). The biggest issue with MH and HPS is heat - you're going to have to think of a damn good way to deal with that much heat.

Other than that? Don't tell anybody and keep on learning. Oh and don't over-water (so many people do it) - watering should only be every 3 to 4 days, and only when the soil has dried out (base it off of the soil drying out, not the number of days).


Active Member
yeah, i heard about only watering when the soil is bone dry, and im hoping the cool tubes can decrease all the heat they going to make, im planning on putting and impeller fan close to the lights too