Starting 250 watt HPS/MH Closet Grow. Have some questions about ventilation!

I am Starting 250 watt HPS/MH Closet Grow. Before I set everything up I need to know whether it is necessary to have some kind of intake/outtake system. Would it be fine if I just opened the door everyday and had some fans going inside the closet? Do i absolutely need something more than just fans? Any information would be highly appreciated.


Active Member
You do not NEED a intake/outake system for a 250 watt but it would help alot. i ran a 400 watt hps light with just fans inside the growbox and it got hot as hell. if you are able to open the door every 1-2 hours when the light is on you might be o.k but your temps will still be high. if your doing hydro you will probably also need a chiller for your reservoir. if it is possible to get venting in your grow do it. it will help in every stage of growth and is really good for the plant itself. you do not need fans for your intake/exhaust but atleast some source of fresh air is needed. i would put a vent at the very top of your grow room just so heat could escape. If none of these options are available for you, just go for it and see how it goes. hope this helps. Good Luck!!!!
Thank you for your advice. I am going to try and get an small intake fan and an outtake fan, i have two windows in the room were the closet is. should I run a duct pipe out of the 1st window for the intake with another pipe going out the 2nd window for the outtake? if I were to have the outtake air flow out 2nd window what would be an easy way to control the odor?


Well-Known Member
And exhaust fan is always the best ...but if you can keep the door open and a fan on them you should be fine..get a thermometer so you can keep a check on it...happy growing...


Active Member
you dont need to run your duct pipes out side just make your the air in your grow space is being changed quite often. running duct pipes out windows is really suspicious and when your plants are flowering you would need to get a carbon filter. i would get a thermometer also. make sure your exhaust is at the top and your intake is on the bottom. your exhaust should be larger than your intake. happy growing!!
All the advice is very much appreciated. I'm also wondering if the smell would be a big issue for such a small grow. Would i need to put something in the closet for the smell, or in the room that the closet is in?


Active Member
if anything i would put a fan at the exhaust hole sucking the air out. it is much easier to pull air than to push it. if you have a fan sucking air out the top it will automatically draw air in through your intake holes at the bottom. if you only want 1 fan in your grow space this is the msot efficient way to do it. and since the heat from your lights will also be rising, you should be able to get sufficient air circulation. like i said before, you should have 2 intake holes at the bottom roughly half the size of your exhayst hole at the top. Good Luck!!!


Active Member
as far as the smell goes, your plants will smell. if you live all alone then this is not a problem at all for a small grow. you would not be able to smell it in the next room unless its dank ass budd. if smell could be an issue for you then odour absorbers work good but the best is a carbon filter. ozone generators work good also and but i find they give off a weird, even more suspicious than weed, smell. it is all your own preference as only you know how stealthy you have to be. its better to be private, than not private enough. especially when it comes to illegal substances. even though it fuckin shouldnt be :(