Started plants in back yard dirt , did i mess up?

I transplanted a few kush seeds from 1 gallon pots vegg for 7 weeks indoor, i ran out of soil amd was dead broke so i dug a hole transplant than put dirt back in. Problem is they flowered so early compared to the ones who had soil when transplanted. They brealy even stretched and show bud sites already compared to the ones whom had soil filled instead of dirt in the ground transplant. Is this plant going to give me a pethetic yield?? What can i do to save it??


Well-Known Member
I bet the lack of N in the soil is fooling the plant into budding earlier. I have a plant that just starting to flower3-4 weeks after all my other ones. I transplanted it late in a soil mix with a good amount of time release fert heavy in N. I used a different more neautral soil on my other 4 and its the only reason i can think of why that one plant has taken so long