started my second go of seeds.......


started my seeds on the 12th of march...right now am using 2 15watt 6500k fluro and 1 13w 2700k cfl for them my ph is 5.9 water temp is 72f plant temp 76f humidity 60%.
For vegging i will be moving them to a 18 gal container staying with bubble-phonics using dutchmaster gold a & b, my vegg light will be a 4 bulb t5 HO 24w 6500k 8000 lumens.
for flower will be using a 1000w hps...



here is some pics of my first plants they where started feb.12 they have been put threw hell. as seedlings the roots got torn off of them when i went to move them to the aquarium, ph was not known at the time but later found out that it was around 8.5, like the noob i am i added more nutrients because they where wilting
i am still fighting the ph on these even though i have moved them. think it is my rock wool causing it. these where pics where just taken after saturating the leaves...

