Started my First DWC Grow with LED


Well-Known Member
your light is way too high. They scretched out so much they cant support themselves and fell over.
Get like a drinking straw, pencil, or popsicle stick or something like that and make it a support stake to tie it to.


your light is way too high. They scretched out so much they cant support themselves and fell over.
Get like a drinking straw, pencil, or popsicle stick or something like that and make it a support stake to tie it to.
It totally depends on the light so I should of asked I will say. Most LED that draw 500W out the wall burn seedlings that small super easy. Iv done it myself ooops. You could repot that seedling I guess and bury some of the stretch as long as its not too wet.


New Member

I am using a 200 Watt Full Spectrum Led light

I am running at miniumum wattage i.e 50 W

Is that fine or should i increase the wattage ?


Well-Known Member

I am using a 200 Watt Full Spectrum Led light

I am running at miniumum wattage i.e 50 W

Is that fine or should i increase the wattage ?
How old are the plants underneath it and what size is the space the light is covering? Is it in a reflective tent or in the open?


Well-Known Member
Ok you have it at 36 inches, but you also have it dimmer down to very low. = not enough light. Move light closer. To 24 inches. Keep it dimmed. Then everyday turn the brightness up a bit