Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!


Active Member
if you look at the looks like over crystalization...not even sure if thats a word...thats the high for real....this plant has sooo much was crazy...and when i added the other went into warp speed producing crystals...i dunno...


Active Member
Thats the free mystery seeds Nirvana sent me...and i will bend her over think i should cut the bottom fan leaves? if not they will drag in the dirt


Well-Known Member
nah man let 'em drag they will perk back up in a couple of hours/day. Just make sure you have good airflow and your good to go......the high was good but didnt last very long, ROUND 2!!


Active Member
ok guys...its chop time! time to chop her and hang her...Paradise!!!!!!!!!!!...i've decided to actually...tomorrow is chop time...i'm gonna put her in 24 hours of darkness...i almost forgot about that...i'm high...good thing i remembered...Where is everyone...prob. stoned...Coal...where u at kid!...


Well-Known Member
I'm here bro! We want pics of that sexy bitch! I still have about a week and a half to go till harvest. You tied the newbie down yet?!


Well-Known Member
Looks like Ima have to go without smoking till its harvest time....tired of the high prices here and shitty product.


Active Member
Oh shit...i completely forgot about the newby...fuck!...i'm gonna do it now...and sorry bout your product...wifey got me some fruity tasting haze yesterday...blew my bud i had since my last harvest...will take pics tomorrow...Football day~!


Well-Known Member
Fuck it! I cut another bud off today, down to just 18 budsites now. Hate robbing my girl early but don't have a choice! And I'm enjoying my first buzz of the day!


Active Member
ok guys...its chop time! time to chop her and hang her...Paradise!!!!!!!!!!!...i've decided to actually...tomorrow is chop time...i'm gonna put her in 24 hours of darkness...i almost forgot about that...i'm high...good thing i remembered...Where is everyone...prob. stoned...Coal...where u at kid!...
have maybe a week left --but last night my timer broke they were in 20 hours of straight light before i noticed t--so I am dosing them with like 20 hours dark and try to get them on 12-12 again--if not will pick them they look almost done--just like waiting till 100% ready---kinda bummed at the moment...


Well-Known Member
THanks bro, she sure smells nice. Think Ima do a staggered harvest this time, let the bottom buds get fatter