Staging Pot sizes? 1/3/5


Does anyone know if this is beneficial or even worth the soil, I start with 2 weeks in 1 gal , 2 weeks in 3 gal ,and 5 gal into 12/12 . Is it worth it to up the pot size or should I just keep it simple and drop them in 5 gals from start to finish?


Well-Known Member
You can drop them into the 5gal from the 1gal pots,just water till 20% runoff and give them a goid wet dry cycle.

When you transplant them to fresh soil,pick up the pot after transplanting (before watering/feeding) and make note of the weight in your hands...water/feed and don't water/feed again until the pot is as light ad it was after initial transplant.


I would skip the 3 gallon. Run longer in the 1 gallon then go to 5 gallon.
what does this promote, or why is this beneficial? I just want a understanding of why, my understanding is I could veg for 4 weeks in 1 gals and switch them to 5 gals starting flower? or do I need to use 1 gals for 2 weeks then switch to 5 gals for rest of life time?


Well-Known Member
I do 1st three weeks in 2qt then next 3 in 3gal then remainder in 5gal. it's best to go incrementally rather than going straight to 5gal.