Stabalize ph then add nutrients? or other way around?


Active Member
hey everyone, quick question I thought i was good adjusting the ph of my water then add my nutrients to the proper ppm, and water my girls in their soiless medium. Yesterday i did what i usually do adjust the ph to 6.2 then add my nutrients, then i decided to check the ph again this time, I was shocked 3.4!!!! I guess i'm doing it backwards? should i add nutrients then ajust the ph?

And last of all just to satisfy my curiosity, to bring something form 6.2 to 3.4 doesnt that take some pretty strong acid?

thanks everyone for the info.


Well-Known Member
Mix your nutes individually first in the water, don't mix nutes together then put in water, then check your ph.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
This is very logical... you want the watering solution to have a certain pH altogether, so that no nute lock-out takes place at the roots.

It doesn't necessarily require a strong acid to change the pH like that since pH grows and sinks exponentially.

Also, for a soilless medium, try a pH of 5.5-6.0.