!st timer - need a lil help


Active Member
how old is plant? are you using full strengh nutes? because when plants are young you feed less like 1/4 strengh
cheers fil7


sorry for not including initially,

I've watered it every 3rd day, and every other water I've been using an organic Fish Fertilizer that had an NPK ratio of 6-1-1 (is that too much Nitrogen?)

...as of tomorrow I should have my free sample of Veg+Bloom, wasn't sure how light/heavy to start with that when it's at this stage.

-Not sure of the age, received it as a clone (and a surprise) on 4/18 so it's been with me for 14 days


Active Member
the soil/compost will have food for a couple of weeks if you have repoted so if you have poted on dont feed for a week then go dilute on nutes & build up
cheers fil7


Hey guys! So yesterday marked the 3rd week I've been taking care of my first ever girl. (Got her as a clone & today is day 22 since she's been mine)

She's started seriously stretching out, basically :weed:doubled in foliage:weed: since the day I potted her.

That meant it was inevitably time to transplant her to a larger home. Decided to throw in some perlite to make sure this new pot drained well & the roots were able to breathe.

Also, received my free sample of Veg+Bloom from HR, & so far she seems to love it. No nute burn or anything. Lets hope it stays that way.

The NPK ratio is 15-10-27. It'd be amazing if they really did create one solid nute for both Veg & Flower.

Gonna throw up some pics so you can all see, & I was just curious...

***When do you think I should switch this one from Veg to Flower??*** (Again this is my first plant ever,:confused: so any advice no matter how elementary will be super helpful)

....ps I accidentally damaged a few of the roots during the transplant process.:wall: Maybe 10% of them. I hear this particular strain (Titan's Haze) is rather hardy for noobs like me... Do you think she'll be okay and just repair whatever root damage it suffered, or should I go the extra mile to make sure the roots are assisted in recovery with something like SuperThrive, Liquid Karma, etc....???

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

Smokey McBowls bongsmilieView attachment 2650919View attachment 2650915View attachment 2650913


Well-Known Member
wow just slow down on the juice, seriously they only need light nutes if that.. wawa is just fine until they say i need some juice.. lol do you give baby's steak? nope .. just think of them as a new baby, lil wawa and a lot of love.. when they get big then juice them..


Well-Known Member
Bingo! Your problem before was that you had a potassium deficiency with the 5-1-1 nutes! (not overnutes!!!)

15-10-27 is a great NPK ratio for vegging and you can see why I think so (buttload of k)

sorry for not including initially,

I've watered it every 3rd day, and every other water I've been using an organic Fish Fertilizer that had an NPK ratio of 6-1-1 (is that too much Nitrogen?)

...as of tomorrow I should have my free sample of Veg+Bloom, wasn't sure how light/heavy to start with that when it's at this stage.

-Not sure of the age, received it as a clone (and a surprise) on 4/18 so it's been with me for 14 days


So I went to check on the girl after feeling like she was doing exceptionally well after the transplant, only to see that she indeed IS having a brand new problem :shock:.......:oops:

I could really use your help in diagnosing whether this is a nute problem, or from the root damage during transplant (or none of the above)....

Adding pics, but incase some of them are too blurry:
-the leaf :leaf:looked like it had been literally burnt :fire:
-parts were browning
-small portion was blackening
-a tiny bit was even grey & blew off quite easily when I misted the plant with water.

Again any help at all, no matter how basic, would be of the utmost helpfulness right now. Thanks in advance!

Smokey McBowls bongsmilie

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Hey all,

So basically those "burns" I showed in the last post seemed to be singular issues that I didn't see anywhere else on the plant.

Flushed her once, and then went back to regular doses of Veg+Bloom. She seems to LOVE these nutes.

If I'm not mistaken this is day 32. Here's some pics.

Any comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Smokey McBowls bongsmilie
