Sprouts Afghan Grow

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Well-Known Member
lets let the big ones dry a little longer and smoke this little one tonite:bigjoint: be patience princess i'll let you have the big one i promise:mrgreen:

markio loves princess pink:hump:



Well-Known Member
that tasted kind of nasty but I over did it with the vaporizer and caught the weed on fire...smoked the whole room up...i'm high as hell:leaf::fire::leaf: and that smoke smells very very yummy:eyesmoke: I see what you mean about a smokeout princess and I still love you


Well-Known Member
that tasted kind of nasty but I over did it with the vaporizer and caught the weed on fire...smoked the whole room up...i'm high as hell:leaf::fire::leaf: and that smoke smells very very yummy:eyesmoke: I see what you mean about a smokeout princess and I still love you
no you dont...........:cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
That last sample didn't even make it to the camera. It was a little bit on the stoneyer side. I still feel the high but the THC is starting to decay into CBNs, making me feel a little stupid, not good. I'm already dumb enough as it is. I think I like this fucked up battle going on in my head right now. The stoners(CBN) are trying to take over high socity (TBC)...whow...

Markio loves princess pink:hump:


Well-Known Member
That last sample didn't even make it to the camera. It was a little bit on the stoneyer side. I still feel the high but the THC is starting to decay into CBNs, making me feel a little stupid, not good. I'm already dumb enough as it is. I think I like this fucked up battle going on in my head right now. The stoners(CBN) are trying to take over high socity (TBC)...whow...

Markio loves princess pink:hump:
nobody loves me anymore:cry:


Well-Known Member
nobody loves me anymore:cry:
I will always love you

And I'd like to say something to all of those hating on her right now. You can vent right here. I'll help by giving you lots of fuel. My whole grow was done in MG. That's right, Miracle Gro. I didn't us a lab or insert syringes into the soil. I just put it in the corner under a 150watt light and watered it every 4 days. I sampled her in my brand new vaporizor ever so often without even drying. But, I'm not even sure if I spelled vaporizor right because RIU doesn't even keep that word on it's spell checker. I guess it's taboo. I use a bunny bag to breath the vapor into so that I can take several more hits later. You breath out 40% of the THC each time and holding your breath does not increase the dose. These are facts. look them up. What is sticking to your lungs is the worst type of tar you could possibly be putting in your body. I had to change my screen after that little fire I had. And it tasted nasty compared to the vapors I'm used too. My only problem is how am I going to vape while I'm seeing how my gorilla grow is going at my picnic spot today?

Now some of you may say, yeah but he's an old fart and stuck in his ways. But i'm neither. You show me a better way and I'll use it. I'll never start my plants under a 50watt again. I got corrected on the optimum light and I accepted my error and moved on. About being an old fart, when I was 14 I used my moms MG and my older brothers bag seed to grow some monster plants behind the shed. One day my dad came back in town and decided he'd be nice and mow the lawn. Long story short, I had to break them to pieces and throw them in the garbage...yeah, he's an asshole...but my buddies and I got them out that night and had a smoke fest:joint:. it was awesome:blsmoke: I've been in the marines a long time and never wanted to piss dirty and have a dishonorable discharge, not to mention how the ex felt about it, so I quit for ten years. Now that shes gone and I'm retired at the ripe old age of 34, I'm going to smoke till i'm red in the face.:fire: Then I'm going to get on here and battle all you haters who feel you need to shit all over someone elses grow. Shame on you. You've seemed to have held your opinions from me. Now I think it is time for you to vent. Bring it on...

Now back to the grow:
I trimmed all of the smaller buds today. They seemed as dry as they can be. I'm going to put them in
tupaware and burp once a day for a week. I took a pic of whats still hanging and I hope i'll have leftovers from the picnic to cure later on ;)

Markio Sprouts loves princess Pink Sensa forever:hug:



Well-Known Member
I'm reading that last post and it sounds kind of gay with the picnic and the bunny bag. But I can tell you this, I grew up on some of the worst streets of New Orleans, which at the time, had one of the highest murder per capita in the world. We hated gays(large population there) on our side of the street and yes a few did get hurt. Not by me, but I didn't stop it. From that time on I vowed I would never sit back and allow someone to hate on another person for any reason. It became one of the main reasons I joined the marines. But, like I said at the start of my grow, all posts are welcome here, even if a few are from haters. I'd prefer to hear from those who agree with me, but if you see something wrong and no one else has said anything, please tell me what I could do better. And if I say you are wrong then don't confuse me with the fact's because my mind is made up.


Well-Known Member
I decided to freeze those little buds the other day. I want to see if I can hold on to the high it is giving me by slowing down the decay. I haven't smoked in days so i should be able to tell the difference. I still have that pound of leaves in the freezer as well. I'm going to wait for my second grow to finish then make the hash. I already have the equipment, just waiting for more of that funky stuff to mature. I may freeze the whole second grow. It seems to vape nicely even when it is wet and I'll be holding on to that nice high I had originaly. Besides I don't think a little winter frosting ever hurt anyone ;) The leaves for the second grow need to be frozen as well before i can make bubblybongsmilie

Markio loves Princess Pink


Well-Known Member
looks nice, any idea on yield?
Thanks 69! I was starting to think you finished off your grow and would see you no mow. I don't have scales. The leaves was heavy enough to weigh on my bathroom scale. I'd say it is the most weed I have ever had in my life and I'm happy with it. Besides I've been sampling her a lot so the total yield would be off anyway. I can say that the buds are not as dense as I'm used to which would bring the weight down some but she is very potent and full of THC crystals. A small one gets me high as hell. I'll be smoking this for a long timebongsmilie
I finally ran across a dried bud with some pollen sacs on it and took a picture. I never smoked a hermies bud before but I'm guessing it will get me just as high since it wasn't able to pollinate. I'm just thankful she didn't start turning till the final week. I have yet to run across any seeds.



Well-Known Member
hell ya.. mine would be much further ahead if i Could figure out whats wrong with em. I just cut clones from a mom about a week ago and the clones are acting odd. The leaves are curling in as if they are being overwatered yet I only water them about once every 4 days. Theyre also turnning a light green color, what gives? :(


Well-Known Member
hell ya.. mine would be much further ahead if i Could figure out whats wrong with em. I just cut clones from a mom about a week ago and the clones are acting odd. The leaves are curling in as if they are being overwatered yet I only water them about once every 4 days. Theyre also turnning a light green color, what gives? :(
You started watering them too much too soon. I made sure she was really light before I gave her a drop. she can go dry and all that will happen is a few of the most bottom baby leaves will fall off. That's it. So let her starve. I treat them all like guys and make them suffer until i learn one is a girl. Then she becomes my princess and I flush her in the shower with a removable head till her run off is clear. I learned that she could hold a gallon and not have run off. That is with a 4lb pot and MG moister control with slow release fertilizer. Feeding differs depending on the soil and the size of the pot. i just watered her 3/4 gallons after her first flush because I didn't want her to run dry while flowering. Only then did I start the 4 day schedule. you will have your own and it will depend on what she wants you to give her and when she wants it and we still find ways of loving them some how

One of the hard things now is figuring out what see wants. My new leaves turned black as fucking hell i shit you not! then they turned a darkgreen after flushing. I learned that it was a phosphate deficiency and she wasn't getting everything I was giving her through the soil. That is when I knew to start flushing then let her go dry and start feeding again as usual. This helped prevent root lock from occurring and should make her perk right up. I hope that helps and it's good to see you are gonna stick around:peace::leaf:

just so ya'll know, i'm the dude on the left:shock::joint::cool:
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