Spotting/Mottling- Mosaic Virus?!?!


I have one plant that looks like it's bleeding out. The green seems to be less so and there are spots/mottling. Like it's being sucked of its green color but I see absolutely no signs of bugs (no eggs or webs, doesn't look eaten). I reeat- NO SIGN OF BUGS. The leaves are curling a bit.

Anybody venture a guess what this is?? Please, I need to know whether to quarantine her (if she is contagious). This looks like a cucumber mosaic virus or tabacco mosaic virus, but I've read that neither of those are known to affect marijuana.

I don't wanna risk jeopardizing my whole crop. Please help!



Active Member
Pick up some Garden Safe3 from home depot. Its in a green spray bottle. safe for use on vegetables. Use as directed on the label. Also check your humidity. Good luck.