Spots: deficiency or nute burn?? Pics


New Member
Hello everyone,

Im a first time grower and new to the forum! :) Im running my first indoor grow with 5 plants in 3.5 gallon pots under a 400w Progrow LED and 4 CFLs. The plants themselves are about a month and a half from seed, all barneys farm feminized seeds and up to this point have been growing great. A buddy of mine gave me some jungle juice nutes to try and I have been using the mild general formula (about 5ml of each nute per gallon) for about 2 weeks. Just in the last couple of days Ive been getting random spots and tip burn, so I flushed all 5 plants yesterday until the water was clear coming out the bottom of the pot. I also unplugged the 4 CFLS in case it was making it too hot in the tent. Im hoping this helps/ends the problem, but was just wondering if anyone could help diagnose what the plants are actually suffering from. Ive read through lots and lots of the nute deficiency and symptoms threads but none of them really seem to match whats going on. My best guess is zinc or calcium deficiency and or nute burn. Here are some pics any help is greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell with the led light but the leaves look really green. This could be a sign of too much nitrogen. I use jungle juice 3 part with the feeding schedule here. Except I cut the dose in half. Base dose is always 1/2/4 ml per liter for seedling/small/mature plants. I use 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 teaspoon per liter which is a little over half dose. I nute them every other water, sometimes I water 2 times in a row depending on how they look. The jungle juice has calcium and zinc in it.