Spots and rust coloration on fan leaves only after taking clones, pics to show.


Well-Known Member
I got this chocolope lady I've been vegging for quite some time now, and here's the thing. I've taken multiple shoots off this lady, mostly along the main stem.

Now oddly enough, I took like 7-10 clones off her the other day. Since then, I've had quite a few of the predominate fan/water leaves get kinda crispy and they also turn into kinda a rust color. Here's what I mean:
View attachment 1422727View attachment 1422733

Alright now the last one, I just want to show is a typical leaf. Nearly I would say.. 75% of all of the fan leaves have been this way. This plant has shown this tendency ever since about the 5th or 6th node. It does not appear to hinder the plant, as it grows very rapidly, especially after feedings. All of the leaves on this lady are light green and have little yellow specks all over them. I believe it's not a big deal, but I'd like to just throw this pic up in case anyone has seen this before.

View attachment 1422742

As far as lights go, custom made LED light, 53w, 4500lm. Nutrients are Maximum Fuel Groei, parts A(3.63-0-3.58 NPK) & B(0.75-0.725-2.01), using distilled water, but not sure of pH/PPM/EC. All I know is, this lady grows like crazy! Even with the deficiencies she's shown, she's definitely one hardy mo'fo.

Any help appreciated!


Active Member

Hmmm.. using distilled water..

Regardless, you ARE checking your PH of your runoff?

Because I would bet you are most likely having PH issues.. make sure you get that strait before you try anything and make it worse.

4 bucks for a dropper test in the aquarium section of walmart.. better than nothing.


Of course if you HAVE ph'd everything correctly.. I would be totally lost to say where to even start..

But I am thinking PH is screwing with nutes..

Just my thoughts~!


Well-Known Member
Well, I really don't have runoff as this is 1 gallon DWC grow. Distilled water is really the closest thing I have to 'clean' water. Distilled water is also low in PPMs, having no added nutrients to 'enhance' taste, as is the case with drinking water. Tap water where I live is highly highly calcified. I have NEVER pHed this water, so why would it start acting up now? I also believe that water temp is somewhere around 70 degrees, my chamber runs about 78-83 typically. The plant really absorbs all of the light before it gets down to the bucket so it stays cool rather well.

Oh, and last I watered, she drank up ALL of the water in the bucket all the way down to less that 1 inch at the bottom. After putting in nearly a gallon of fresh water, she hasn't shown any signs of slowing down growth-wise. I'm not going to change anything because she already grows like a raped ape, I am just curious how my plant can be deficient and still hog down water so fast. It just doesn't make sense to me, as most of the deficient plants I see have very slow growth. This is not the case with this girl.

Here's a pic of her:View attachment 1422950

As you can see, she's clearly not having too many problems. It's only on the big fan leaves that I'm having this happen.


Active Member

I used to use distilled too.. I had the same issues as you..

This is why I mention PH..

PH is a funny thing.. your plants can do GREAT (for example) and then one day, well into flowering, covered with rust, yellow, burns etc.. when it happens it happens quick and is not as quick to reverse.

The PH of distilled water is 7.. I myself don't put any water that isn't brought down to around 6.4 (or so).. if you are using distilled and it is already at 7.. it is totally possible for your PH to raise (soil, water, nutes, everything effects ph).. when I checked the runoff from my soil with only 7 water, and a soil that was once 6.5.. my PH runoff was over 8 and I had the exact same type of problems.


I have come to the conclusion that PH is the MOST important thing to do to keep things consistent int he garden. For years I ignored it and had mediocre grows that I fought with issues with.. I recently started paying attention, it is paying off 10 fold.

Your plant wont use nutes the way it should, and block others if the PH is off even a bit for any length of time..

It is SO easy to test, and again, 4 bucks, aquarium section of Walmart.. much better than nothing at all..


Please do your plants a favor.. spend that 4 bucks .. see where your water is for PH (it should be lower than 6.5 or so)...

It seems like it is only off a bit.. and that makes all the difference..

good luck~!



Well-Known Member
that kinda looks like the same thing i have going on with my plant. im not sure about your's but, it could be leaf spot fungis. which is what im about to start battling with my plant :(

look up leaf spot fungis on google just for comparison.

im still trying to figure out how to treat it. i found stuff for treating it in other plants and vegetable and flowering plants but i wanna be sure about using it on weed first. but as soon as someone msg's me back with a deffinate answer ill let you know.


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks budsmoker247! After checkin up on google I do not believe my plant has leaf spot fungus. The fan that cools the heatsink to my LED, it pushes quite a large amount of air, because of this my humidity is never more than 25% in my cab. I really can't see fungus growing in a 'windy' low humidity setting. The leaves I looked at on google looked very badly for those plants. What I got going on doesn't seem to hinder the leaves at all.

But please do let me know if you find out an answer!

At 333maxwell, I bought some pH strips, I will test the water once lights come on and let you know what they say. I'm going to stop feeding her too, until she drinks a couple gallons of just plain water. I'm thinking she may be showing signs of burn instead of deficiency. She has never really had troubles on just distilled alone. So we shall see.


Active Member
"At 333maxwell, I bought some pH strips, I will test the water once lights come on and let you know what they say. I'm going to stop feeding her too, until she drinks a couple gallons of just plain water. I'm thinking she may be showing signs of burn instead of deficiency. She has never really had troubles on just distilled alone. So we shall see."

Even if you find PH is not an issue, you'll be glad to be checking it every time from now on so you simply never have to worry about it.

I'm such a new believer in PH it isn't funny.. even if it isn't your issue you'll be going about it the right way now and the base will be 100 percent covered with no guess work.


I'll keep an eye on this thread, as I just am hoping no matter what it is to hear you soon say 'she is looking much better'.


Well-Known Member
pH is not an issue:
View attachment 1425387

Somewhere between 5 and 6 without any pH modifying liquids, I'd say that's ideal. This conditions have not been changed since this plant started growing.

Here's how she looks now:
View attachment 1425388

As you can see, she doesn't look bad at all. Since clipping off the fan leaves showing this I haven't noticed any other of the leaves doing this. Appears it was an isolated incident or something.. who knows.