spontaneous human combustion


Well-Known Member
not to sure but there was a program about it on TV and im pretty sure they had told of a couple events where this sort of thing might have happened....crazy shit they show a picture of this burnt meaty lookin skeleton layin on this bed ...the bed only had a big ass black circle about the size of the body and that was the only part of the bed burnt up..like it wasnt even enough of a fuel source from the ignition of the body to tourch the whole bed .......thats all i kno of


Well-Known Member
Ive seen those shows & im not sure weather im buying it or not,you'd have to eat 10 cheese burgers a day & wash that shit down with a grease milk shake to have enough lard on your body to just flame up for no reason.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
has there actually been real cases of this?:neutral:

NO! NEVER! The human body is made up for the most part of water... so even an alcoholic couldn't spontaneously combust.

It just doesn't happen and there is NO legitimate case on record of it happening.

Hope that helps :peace:


Well-Known Member
idk strange things do seem to happen that defy scientific explanation. I try to keep an open mind until hard evidence either proves or disproves such things. Peace


Well-Known Member
I've heard cases of it. Its true we are made of water, but water holds a very flammable gas and catalyst for a combustion reaction -H20-

However I think us being made of water is irrelevant, it is a chemical imbalance that causes spontaneous human combustion.


Well-Known Member
I've heard cases of it. Its true we are made of water, but water holds a very flammable gas and catalyst for a combustion reaction -H20-

However I think us being made of water is irrelevant, it is a chemical imbalance that causes spontaneous human combustion.
Now this I agree with you 100% zen master. there was this one famous case I seen long time ago where it was an elderly woman sitting on her chair and all that was left of her was her right leg from the shin down. I think its in guiness book of records actually.


Well-Known Member
yea as far as i know it randomly happens
scientists cant sigure out why tho
i remember in elementry school we read of a story from around here in the ozarks of missouri
it was fucked up like i guess a whole family passed it down from generation to generation
until finally after the 5th one the last child killed himself cause he was afraid it would happen to him, kinna strange


Well-Known Member
yea as far as i know it randomly happens
scientists cant sigure out why tho
i remember in elementry school we read of a story from around here in the ozarks of missouri
it was fucked up like i guess a whole family passed it down from generation to generation
until finally after the 5th one the last child killed himself cause he was afraid it would happen to him, kinna strange
now thats fucked up


Well-Known Member
i know
and i was like 8 when i heard this
so i was worried about that shit
im lightin up a bowl to not lighting on fire


Well-Known Member
maybe someone just gets a bad roll of die and just happen to have to much of a random flammable chemical and just happens to burst into flames.

I think a lot of things do have an explanation just getting the correct answer is the problem as we don't have enough understanding to get it correct.