Splitting the top of your plant??


Active Member
ok this is going to sound mad but I need to know if any one has done this.

One of my friends told me to take a razor blade and cut down the centre of the top of my plant.
he said to cut down about 5mm to 10mm right through the centre(there are about 30mm in an inch)

The result is your plant splits and ends up growing twin top shoots like a forked tongue.

any one done this or anything similar?
what do the experts say?

look forward to reading your feedback:peace:


Well-Known Member
i have heard of topping plants but never heard of splitting them. sounds like sabotage to me.... just my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
Old wives tale,been going around for years ,at least since the sixties. Never did work,just stresses plant .Not a good idea.


Active Member
Thanks guys. I won't be listening to my friends in the near future.

I remember one thing I had to do with my 2nd plant. It was growing a bit to tall and was threatening to peek over the wall.
Now we can't have passer-by's having a look so I weighted each of the branches down with a small rock. Man that plant was a beauty.

here is a pic. sorry for the shitty quality but back then we only had normal camera's, Had to scan this one in.



Well-Known Member
a mate of mine had a friend like that - he told him to inject his plants with speed to make them grow faster!lol.

some friend! luckily i managed to persuade him otherwise!


Active Member
ok I think I have on that tops that or is at least on par.

I was told that one of the hormones in birth control pills makes your plants grow bigger.

So I crushed up a few packs and watered my plants with it.
All I got was a mutated male that grew like a female with big branches and then at the end...sprouted flowers instead of heads.
At least now we have the internet to check these silly stories out.

one I didn't do was water my plants with acid diluted in water.
I doubt that would have worked either.:peace:


Well-Known Member
We should start an "Old Wives Tale" thread. I've been hearing these things for 40 years,and it took me a long time to separate wheat from chaff. It would be nice if other growers had an easier learning curve.I had to learn by making mistakes,and I still make new ones all the time. You never stop learning,and this site is a good resource for growing info. Thanx RIU!!


Active Member
Topping acually really does work. I'v done it to one out of four and now instead of having one cola in the middle there are two kinda like a fork. It doesnt stress your plants at all as long as your careful as in anything else. You can go crazy with the topping, only do it once in the middle of veg or depending on how long u veg, but only that one cut and it does its work from there. When u trim it you can cut right a shoot tho, there has to be a little space left after the shoot you wanted to cut. So i would atleast try it on one plant for now, thats what im doing. I have that same strain growing without topping so i can compare the yeild. pc


Well-Known Member
Yes topping works,I always top my outdoor plants to keep them below undergrowth and not stand out in bush.Splitting the top ,on the other hand, just stresses the plant.


Well-Known Member
I use bleach to clean the walls of my growroom and prevent mildew growth.I can't imagine that it could be good for growing things....


Well-Known Member
Urine contains urea,farms use urea as high nitrogen fertilizer, Awful strong though,,,can burn crops,,,


Well-Known Member
lol jimmy he was kidding, do not feed bleach to your plants.

Human piss does have nitrogen, but its really really strong, so if you want to use it, which I wouldnt, make sure you dilute it with a lot of water.


Well-Known Member
Yah,that's why I questoned the bleach. Noobs might not get it and try to use bleach as nutes!! The farm background comes in handy,though I moved to town when I was 16. We still have the farm though,my brother farms it now.