

Well-Known Member
i love the tan lines. but i like the breast to be somewhat tan. maybe go topless every 4th tan. that way you still have the lines but you also have a nicely shaded cup of love.

god and guns !!


Well-Known Member
The meaning of life is defenition. Every particle and every interaction provides defenition. Most of us live in "downtime". A state of mind in which we have blocked out our awareness of this defenitioning (?). Either blocked it out or never at all chosen to be aware of it. Awareness is fickle thing that you can't put your finger on but it includes being empathetic, knowledgeable about the world around you and how you impact it, and what your actions mean.

We are however limited and what we hold to be true may have only been an elaborate set of lies for our eyes...


Well-Known Member
The meaning of life is to be happy.
I had a calc proffesor (3phd's) tell me once. "The more you know the less happy you will be."
He could be working somewhere making 150k plus. He would rather be a teacher and live a simple life though.
I feel like if we could get everyone (that can handle it) on the planet high at the same time that we could ascend into a better state of being.
Peace and plant seeds.


Well-Known Member
ur professor says that the more u know the less happy ull be, but he gives lectures for a living. is he sadistic or unknowingly living a moral contradiction? having 3 phd's in mathematics doesnt necessarily mean the dudes all that smart. i mean, intelligence is just as subjective as anything else, and taking life advice from a guy that has spent a large portion of his life studying mathematical formulas may not be a great idea. ignorance is not bliss.


New Member
ur professor says that the more u know the less happy ull be, but he gives lectures for a living. is he sadistic or unknowingly living a moral contradiction? having 3 phd's in mathematics doesnt necessarily mean the dudes all that smart. i mean, intelligence is just as subjective as anything else, and taking life advice from a guy that has spent a large portion of his life studying mathematical formulas may not be a great idea. ignorance is not bliss.
LOL. Well said preo'. All too often intelligence is measured in certificates, likewise intelligence mistaken for wisdom. Ignorance is only bliss when you don't have it, sometimes we'd all rather be a naive child again.


Well-Known Member
in my fathers house are many mansion in my fathers mansion are many room,,,,,we all look to the same god in a diff fashion,same as we speak in diff fashion in diff languanges,,,,the ones who dont look to god look to material,science and other blasphemy and they will not see god,,,,