Spinning my Depression into a med card?


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:hey all, i have been going through some serious clinical depression, with thoughts of suicide (that was earlier in the depression) and things of that manner, anyways The only thing i found that worked for me was marijuana, i can get through the day WAY easier if i have the smallest amount in my system, it just seems so perfect. Now, I'm meeting with a phsycologist (for my first time ever, and im nervous as hell).

Is there anything i can say, or try to spin my depression so she gives me a med card? or am i WAY out of my league here, (i live in bc)


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for your Canuck docs, but here in Cali I discussed getting my medical mj card with my regular doc. He's totally open to the idea, but has informed me in no uncertain terms that he will not do anything to jeopardize his license, and that means he will not risk tangling with the DEA.

You need to do some research, and make a list of pros and cons of the Rx's available to you (like Zoloft & Prozac, both of which can have some heavy side effects) versus mj, which does not have the side effects (ok, except the munchies which equals weight gain). The information for use for depression is out there I think.


Well-Known Member
Tell her what you just said. Tell her that you would like to work with her to combat your depression so that you do not have to medicate at all, but when you self medicated with marijuana you felt normal and could function. Explain why you are against other prescription drugs (do some research like Sea said) and see what she says.


Well-Known Member
I wish that was an option in mississippi... all the therapist and counclers I've seen have agreed that marijuana seems to be the only thing to help my anxiety and depression...


Well-Known Member
how did u get one of those meetings? i need to get on the ladder, hehe.

as uve just said, tell them that u feel really depressed but once u smoke a joint, ur like a totally different person, like Jim Carrey in ace ventura. - dont tell them that, that was just an example. use someone......not so crazy


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't she just be like, "I obviously know your just trying to get the med card" and be a bitch and say no?