Spider Mites!


Well-Known Member
Azamax. I had spider mites and first tried a lavendar soap, then an organic pesticide (spinosad), then bug bombed twice and sprayed with pyrethin and they were still around. Azamax was the only thing that worked and I wish I had just used it to begin with.


Active Member
how long did it take with the Azamax? Im a week into flowering and dont want to lose my ladies to these damn mites..


Well-Known Member
Works quickly. Make sure to get them all now early in flower than having this problem later on. You might consider spraying with the Azamax as well as fogging your facilities.


Well-Known Member
Azamax is a good organic. Also what kills them & there eggs... Is floramite it is a pesticide & u don't really want to after week 2 of flowering. Or unless u got them bad! But that shit works. I hate those little fuckers! My sister use to bring them suckers over from her house, now i won't let her in my grow room even if she shower's first! LOL Good luck bro! And kill those little fuckers for me! Peace & happy growing


Well-Known Member
Just get some No Pest Strips from WalMart. They work the better than all that expensive shit. Put the strip in for at least a week. Goodbye mites. I've never had to use them in flower, but from what I've read, a lot of people leave them in until the last two weeks of flower. They're not as bad as people make them out to be.


Well-Known Member
i can't find those no pest strips. I have them outside in my garden. I had to put my plants on the roof, they can't find it there. Every day i am hosing all the plants that are in the garden. It removes them, but they come back 2 days later. Tried safe organic spray. That killed most of those bastards. I have read about putting garlic onion and cayenne pepper powder into a blender with about a cup of water and then strain it out into a spray bottle. I am going to try that tomorrow. I am going to eat those bastards if i have to, show them a lesson lol jk

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
No pest strips at home depot....they really work. Just hang it and forget it. It dont get any easier than that.............