Spider mites


One of my plants has just been found with spider mites I was going to harvest this saturday but I'm considering chopping now to save them as they are ready enough tell me if these are salvageable this is the only part the webs have been found



Well-Known Member
one thing about mites that it spreads fast, and once happened to me that lowered the quality so much. i couldn't get high of any buds!


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't matter, cut them when you have the time and can do it right. If they have webbing you will have to trim them close but during the process you will remove all the webbing and any leaf that has mite damage on it. Count it taking longer than you are used to. I doubt you'll be able to tell the difference in high, they don't eat the trics


Active Member
If your colas aren't covered in webs I would take them now because they will be in a short amount of time. If they are you can wash your buds as well. In fact in your situation I'd wash then regardless. Baking soda and lemon juice is what I use on my outdoor and it works well. Just read up on it, theres lots of info and no it doesnt have any negative repercussions. Make sure you clean your grow space and maybe do it twice. Once they're in your grow they're hard to get rid of. Environmental control is of the utmost importance when it comes to bugs. I and many other people have never had issues with mites because we keep our grows clean and at the right temperatures. Mites thrive in warmer temps just like nats thrive in moist soil. Controlling the temp will make it so their eggs dont hatch or at least as little as possible.


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't matter, cut them when you have the time and can do it right. If they have webbing you will have to trim them close but during the process you will remove all the webbing and any leaf that has mite damage on it. Count it taking longer than you are used to. I doubt you'll be able to tell the difference in high, they don't eat the trics
Correct, the high won't be effected any more than it already has been, but personally if I had the choice of smoking 30% THC covered in mites, or 29% covered in not nearly as many mites, ill take the 29% thanks


Well-Known Member
Whats the plan for harvest, same room? Double bag the crop to another area?
Don't let them crawl back, the meanest ones will make it for sure.
Whats the plan after harvest, and for preventives going forward?
BT/Neem/Spinosad/ or couple cans of Dailek in there?
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Well-Known Member
I would fog the room at least and hang some hot shot strips and leave it empty for a few weeks. I don't like putting anything on plants but I would want to clean the room out entirely.

As far as the harvest goes...... mine were garbage, are they confined to the lower part of the plant or higher up in the canopy?

I like preventive neem spray in veg. Mites are freaking gross.


Well-Known Member
I would fog the room at least and hang some hot shot strips and leave it empty for a few weeks. I don't like putting anything on plants but I would want to clean the room out entirely.
Yep, exactly. Don't get in a big rush, break the cycle. Start nursery stock in another room for a while.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants has just been found with spider mites I was going to harvest this saturday but I'm considering chopping now to save them as they are ready enough tell me if these are salvageable this is the only part the webs have been found
A vigorous spray with water and a little dish soap will kill anything alive


Well-Known Member
Okay guys anybody who sees this I could use some help.
I just chopped some plants because they had mites I don't really have anywhere to hang them except my bedroom which there are no plants in.
is that safe or will they jump off and infest the house or get back into my grow room somehow I was going to stick the chop plants in front of my air conditioner. And let them dry