Spider Mites came last day of veg.. help advice?


Active Member
So I got lazy on my neem oil sprays or something and noticed leaves being eaten away, and mite population. I sprayed again neem but read dr. bronners works well. (i have that )

being that I want to flower these plants in the next 12 hours should i wait because these F$*#( bugs)


Well-Known Member
Spray em down and flower You can spray neem or azamax most of the way through flower. You can use mighty wash to .


Well-Known Member
yep, just keep hitting them in a 3-5-7 day cycle to kill the new ones as they hatch.

you can take them and hose them off real good if the plant is strong enough, that will knock a lot of the mites right off. i always make sure to remove any damaged foliage as well so i can keep track of any new outbreaks as they happen.

i try to lay off the neem earlier than they say. they say you are good to use it within 14 days of harvest, but i have never had to come that close. hit 'em now and you should be fine come the last month.


Active Member
The borg assimilates on the undersides of the leaves. A mixture of neem and dawn helps to knock them down, but the borg are resilient, and acclimate to most hostile situations.

Do what you can to knock them down, but my experiences have shown the only way to be completely mite free is to harvest, stop cultivating, and completely sanitize and wait a month or two to begin again.

All is not lost however. Spraying after 3-4 weeks of flower is inviting the plague (pythium, aka budrot or powdery mildew). If mites aren't eradicated by then, let them flower, and wipe leaves off with moist towelettes until harvest. Webs on colas can be cut off after dried, and the mites will not completely decimate your crop unless you are completely and totally infested.


Active Member
So I got lazy on my neem oil sprays or something and noticed leaves being eaten away, and mite population. I sprayed again neem but read dr. bronners works well. (i have that )

being that I want to flower these plants in the next 12 hours should i wait because these F$*#( bugs)

Mighty Wash. Azamax will make your plants all taste the same. If you have mites during flowering you absolutely do not want to use azamax. No matter what anybody says. Mighty wash for me every other day for 1 week and then every 3rd day for the next week. Seems to do it for me. I apply once a week throughout though just to make sure cause they can reproduce rapidly.

Also another thing I noticed is if I take a bamboo shoot and then cut it on the top down the middle of the shoot. Follow me now.....Take a string and tie it through the slit at the top of the bamboo shoot. Then with the string pull the buds into the bamboo shoot for support. Just keep unraveling and wrap through the bamboo shoot and then to the next bu. By doing this you will accomplish two things. Support all the buds to give them the support to fully mature with full light and since spider mites are competitive by nature they go to the highest point the can climb. You will see all the bugs hanging on the strings and bamboo shoots you can kill them there too. I found that extremely helpful because the mites wont even mess with the plants.

hope full

Active Member
Yo uncle that avatar is way better than the last lol, and that bamboo trick sounds pretty awesome