Spider Mite Genocide In a jungle


New Member
So....I have a huge jungle of rooms, very embarrassing, its incredibly crowded, its a mess, can't even see through the foliage, The garden is neglected because I work 90+ hours a week and don't put the time in to it I used to. It is perpetual setup and yea I even got spidermites on cuttings 4 inches tall....fucking cuttings with webs on them...

It is very overcrowded and hot and I cant raise my lights up high enough until I get some new hoods that aren't so huge, my setup moved here to only a 6 foot ceiling from what was once an 11 foot ceiling...

I top like crazy and LST to try to battle the low ceilings. I am an experienced grower and I know the care it really takes to battle these bastards, but I really don't have the time for that...So how can I commit genocide on these spidermites and rid of them for good. I'm talking using some insane poisonous nuclear bombs and whatnot... I've sprayed pyrithium, I have the hotshots no pest strips by the dozen and still they thrive...Ive increased the air flow...and still they thrive.....

so yeah I am looking for suggestions on super toxic things that will murder them for good and quickly....Im this close to just killing every plant and scrubbing the room with cleaners and insect bombers and starting over....but it does still provide me bud and I don't know if I can really afford to do such a thing and not sure it would even work regardless...not every plant becomes infected with mites but many do suffer...

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Mighty wash. It's non toxic, and you can use it until harvest even. Kills mites and eggs instantly. I used it on a guys garden that was infested with mites and it wiped them out completely with one treatment.


Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
and you wanna use it on my garden in flint? lol
Lol. I haven't seen any around here, so I had to order some on ebay. Dr. Gruber on here is from MI, he said he found some locally, but I'm not sure where he's at, I've never asked. If you can't find any, order it on ebay. A gal. is $40 and trust me that shit stretches. Between 6 and 7 oz. did my friend's whole garden of 20+ (smaller ones). I used it on my garden 6 months ago and I used 8 oz. on five 4 footers and five two footers. And I haven't seen a mite since. I'd order a 360 sprayer too, so it's easier to get under the leaves, plus it makes an extra fine mist so less is wasted on overspray. hp%20360%20sprayer%2032.jpg