Speed up Cannabis recovery?


I have 4 1-foot high plants in veg, when i was pruning i cut too many leaves on one and it only has the top two half grown and the new ones are starting. its still green but of course it slowed its growth to a grinding halt.
How can i help get this plant to bounce back and how long do you think it will take?


Stop cutting the leaves off. It will take days to bounce back.
^ dont cut off leaves unless 75% or more are discolored or burnt. Most new growers seem to think its a good idea to prune off leaves, idk why but all they're doing is crippling the plants ability to use and absorb its light.


Well-Known Member
If I can't bend or tuck the leaves then I cut I also cut discolored and otherwise bad looking leaves of as well. Cutting of fan leaves doesn't really hurt the plant but it will slow the growth down but at a foot tall already cutting a few fan leaves off so the bottom gets light will not hurt them much at all. The thing to remember is that you are stressing the plant and that could cause it to hermi. As for you immediate problem just let it grow it will start to come back in a couple of days. An old trick I used to do in soil when I get slow growing plants is give them a half spoon full of peroxide. This will stimulate root growth and the plant will bounce back very fast. Be careful using peroxide in dirt though (I assume you are using dirt) to much and you will kill your plant.


thanks for clearing that up for me, i was thinking it might increase potency as a defense mechanism to ward off bugs and animals, wont make that mistake again, trial and error i guess, maybe ill put them from 18/6 to 24/0 so they can produce more building material with less.


Well-Known Member
thanks for clearing that up for me, i was thinking it might increase potency as a defense mechanism to ward off bugs and animals, wont make that mistake again, trial and error i guess, maybe ill put them from 18/6 to 24/0 so they can produce more building material with less.
Theres methods used by some members myself included that basically you strip the plant of all fan leaves at around 3 week to harvest. It is called Defoliation. It will not increase the potency but it will(and it is proven)give you bigger yield. Some member even swear by defoliating at least once during the veg as well but I have not tried that yet as I believe that the veg cycle is the most important part of the plants life and that the more stress during the veg the more likely you will have problems like hermi's stunted growth and small yield. As for lightning I run my plants 24/7 during veg 12/12 during flower. I have a 600w hybrid(MH and HPS switchable ballast)so I burn the MH for veg and the HPS for flower. My MH gives me very short nodes and fat stock I am very happy with it.


Wow, ill try that in the future, ive been growing for 11 years but this is only my second grow indoors and its good to have this kind of advice, outdoors i just planted and waterd, and sometimes i would crush up some[FONT=arial, sans-serif] diphenhydramine benedryle tabs and throw it in the dirt 2 or 3 days before harvest, or a bit of budweiser. [/FONT]


and sometimes i would crush up some diphenhydramine benedryle tabs and throw it in the dirt 2 or 3 days before harvest, or a bit of budweiser.

What kind of effects were you trying for when doing this? Also after you start your plants in veg at 18/6 leave them there changing the lighting schedule around is known to cause hermies.


What kind of effects were you trying for when doing this? Also after you start your plants in veg at 18/6 leave them there changing the lighting schedule around is known to cause hermies.
in my case i kinda want to hermi one of my plants, budweiser sometimes makes the bud taste like friuty pebbeles and the benedryl pushes all the nutes to the top, but it will make the roots and some of the stem dry up really fast, so i only did about 2 or 3 days before harvesting, i got woods accros the street and a long time ago i was smokin and threw the seeds back the and a few years later i went back and found several full grown plants, they been reproducing but of corse i gotta try an indoor grow and check the differances.


Theres methods used by some members myself included that basically you strip the plant of all fan leaves at around 3 week to harvest. It is called Defoliation. It will not increase the potency but it will(and it is proven)give you bigger yield. Some member even swear by defoliating at least once during the veg as well but I have not tried that yet as I believe that the veg cycle is the most important part of the plants life and that the more stress during the veg the more likely you will have problems like hermi's stunted growth and small yield. As for lightning I run my plants 24/7 during veg 12/12 during flower. I have a 600w hybrid(MH and HPS switchable ballast)so I burn the MH for veg and the HPS for flower. My MH gives me very short nodes and fat stock I am very happy with it.
That totally worked, there back in good condition now, i think the hydrogen peroxide fixed it, they have gone back to the nice pretty green and the new leaves were the 7 pointed ones, so ya know it worked just in time.