Speaker Stealth Grow - DIY


Well-Known Member
Whatsup there people, after a few fails on choosing the right space for me to grow, i have decided to come up with a plan of building my own speaker box, fully DIY, i got all my materials on standby to order, except my nutes, organic pro mix, ballast & mh light.

Im not planning on making this a very large message although i will be uploading my picture of a rough drawing that i did, im sure this would give a better impression of what im actually heading to.

I have a few concerns i would like to spread ,first of all the height and width of this box, i was planning 40" Height & 20 " squared, this is decently sized to make my scrog grow but i was thinking maybe it is a lil too big for a speaker? i will be using 8 inch speaker grilles, although what would you guys say about this ?
When you look into the picture you will see that im using two 90 cfm 12cm fans to extract air out of a type of separated cabinet for my light im going to use a glass sheet to do this, my reflector will be above the light & the light mounted to a fitting. Any1 used fan filters yet ? i have included it in the picture, i was planning on using this to block out any light coming in and out. My ballast however i am planning on fitting behind the hid lighting in a small box being vented out with a small 8 cm computer fan, if i see this is adding alot of heat i will probaly have to make another plan, How would my ventilation be overall though ? i will very much appreciate some feedback, Thank You !:mrgreen:



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Active Member
i'll reply. haha...yea do it, my stealth cabinet is litrally some shitty box i made sitting in the corner of my garage, and no one has noticed it, have you thought about useing one big cfl?, there cheaper to run and don't need a ballast, i use a 250w 8u cfl for flowering