South Park vs. Family Guy

South Park vs. Family Guy

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Well-Known Member
I like Southpark a lot, especially since they did an episode on the Farmers Market tragedy that took place a few years back in Santa Monica, which involved a senior citizen going on an accidental rampage with their car. I was there at that Farmers Market that day, it was a tragic day (the whole day was just a bad luck day for everybody there) but I like how Southpark swooped in like a political hero and made me feel better about it somehow.

But nothing compares to the weed themes and song on Family Guy "Better with a bag of weed", not to mention all the other episodes with weed in it. Southpark doesn't go there, Towelie has been trying to start a smoke circle forever! but they have no trouble with what I call "TMI humor", they perfected.

I still have to say Family Guy ftw!
yea family guy has no real thought behind it.. as made fun of by southpark in cartoon wars i beleive lol.

south park is by far my fav and the best to watch high/sober in my opinion. if i get into an episode of family guy ill probably end up falling asleep or loose interest unless im baked with some friends.

just my opinion though ^.^


Active Member
I find too many times that I laugh at family guys jokes and punch lines the say, "I don't even know what/who the fuck there making fun of god damn it." :lol: :cuss:

Southpark > Family Guy any day. just look at the first episode and the last an you will realize it is only getting better while family guy does that same worn out dumb shit random flashback jokes. they are funny but come on, do something else. I have to say blue moon was the shit though.


Active Member
family guy, its a great show. It is pointless at times, lik a good bit of their cut back scenes hav no point 2 em but its funny. Their storylines i dont think r pointless, most of them anyway. i thnk every episode has 2 storylines behind it. ex. peter will have his storyline which is in every episode 4sure, than stewie will hav a story line where he doin sumfin else. South park is a decent show nd its really twisted d demonted which is tha thing that maks it south park but then again they get carried away alot. sum of the stuff in south park jus seems ridiculous 2 me. sum of its pretty funny tho. guess it does depend on wat type of mood ur in, but i watch family guy basically everyday so im always in a family guy mood.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I honestly think that Family Guy is better to watch when high, doesn't challenge your attention span, but South Park is a better show.

Trying to decide which to watch is like trying to decide do i want a blow job or do i want to fuck? They are both great options, it just depends on my mood, and whats available.


Active Member
Seth Macfarlane has taken on too many projects ATM and that is why family guy is struggling. Old family guy just like old South Park was hilarious. The new stuff from South Park is still pretty funny, but I wish they'd go back to funny stories about the characters, not about current issues. And I wish Cartman was still a badass. They made him into a little bitch lately.


I love family guy, but sometimes it's so stupid it makes my head ache. South park... just kicks ass. Cartman is a total badass, and Kenny reminds me of myself sometimes : )


Active Member
south park.

family guy is random drivel targeted lazy stoners who dont want to invoke their thought processes. "Like that one time...."


Active Member
Family guy is horrible. I even like king of the hill better...and I HATE King of the Hill. Seriously South Park is literally the most intelligent writing on TV and they some how make it funny with potty humor.
Seriously South Park breaks down very complex issues and makes light of them in a very humorous way (i.e. the margarita vile episode explained the global economic melt down perfectly). All Family guy does is just smash together a lot of dumb random shit and movie flash backs.
how can you hate king of the hill?Its written in a very similar fashion to south park in terms of episodic structure.

The issues are current events and there are always 2 opposing sides in each episode (just like th real world). Mike judges humor so subtly pokes humor at mainstream american life and what better way to do that with a family like the hills

it will be missed
how can you hate king of the hill?Its written in a very similar fashion to south park in terms of episodic structure.

The issues are current events and there are always 2 opposing sides in each episode (just like th real world). Mike judges humor so subtly pokes humor at mainstream american life and what better way to do that with a family like the hills

it will be missed
I heard that it was just going on a hiatus starting after September...

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Koth sucks.
I've seen it for years and always expect the same shenanigans.
Bobby is a coward fat slob who's the biggest pussy
Peggy has big feet. yada yada yada
The only thing that makes that cartoon work are the supporting characters.

Dale and Boom and the Indian could make their own series.

Backward ass hicks, hell the King of the Hill would be great without the Hills.
Propane and Propane accessories Blehhh.

I voted South park, But I love both choices.
I cant knock down Family guy. Giggity
Koth sucks.
I've seen it for years and always expect the same shenanigans.
Bobby is a coward fat slob who's the biggest pussy
Peggy has big feet. yada yada yada
The only thing that makes that cartoon work are the supporting characters.

Dale and Boom and the Indian could make their own series.

Backward ass hicks, hell the King of the Hill would be great without the Hills.
Propane and Propane accessories Blehhh.

I voted South park, But I love both choices.
I cant knock down Family guy. Giggity
Oh My God :bigjoint:

Exactly My Sentiments