Sour Kush seedlings wilting & yellowing in hydro! Help! (pics)


Aye guys newbie here...checked on my babies & noticed they were wilting & yellowing all of a sudden & i have no idea why because this is my first time from seed...I'll give you a quick run down of everything & some pics

Ph 5.8
Ppm 112 (tap water & 7 ml of root excel)
Room temp 70
Water temp 67
8 bulb t5 (435 watt I think) 10 inches from plants
Roots are white & look pretty good
Water level is an inch below the net pot



Legal Moderator, Esq.
Those are pretty stretchy. Distill your tap water something in it is causing them to burn. Or get a Brita.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Did you presoak your rockwool? Rockwool is made from spinning mineral rocks the same exact way you would make cotton candy with sugar. This has a fine powdered dust inside of it that has to be washed out and then the rockwool needs to have the PH adjust to about 5.6 PH. This process usually took me 15-24 hours. I would use a rubber made tub and lay out all the blocks of rockwool and flush them with the flushing solution. After I have done this for about an hour. I would reajust the PH of the solution and then stack the Rockwool blocks about 6-8 blocks high, and flood the solution over the top block for another 45-60 minutes. Then I would allow it to sit for a few hour5s and do it all again. Once the water asolutiion I flooded it with was within .3 points of what I wanted, I would accept it.

Sorry, I might seem to be rambleing a bit. Getting ready for hunting season, and I am about spent on energy. This will be my second seaon hunting nothing but Archery. Yee-Haw!!!! Getting bear and Cougar Tags this year also. Not so sure about hunting something that could hunt you. But it is only $12 more.


Yea I'm thinking it's something with my tap too. My first grow I used RO water & didn't really have a problem the whole way through. I just got sick of waiting for the system I bought 2 pump out the water so I bought a cheaper water filteration system(small boy) & I been using that for this grow but I've had nothin but problems


Did you presoak your rockwool? Rockwool is made from spinning mineral rocks the same exact way you would make cotton candy with sugar. This has a fine powdered dust inside of it that has to be washed out and then the rockwool needs to have the PH adjust to about 5.6 PH. This process usually took me 15-24 hours. I would use a rubber made tub and lay out all the blocks of rockwool and flush them with the flushing solution. After I have done this for about an hour. I would reajust the PH of the solution and then stack the Rockwool blocks about 6-8 blocks high, and flood the solution over the top block for another 45-60 minutes. Then I would allow it to sit for a few hour5s and do it all again. Once the water asolutiion I flooded it with was within .3 points of what I wanted, I would accept it.

Sorry, I might seem to be rambleing a bit. Getting ready for hunting season, and I am about spent on energy. This will be my second seaon hunting nothing but Archery. Yee-Haw!!!! Getting bear and Cougar Tags this year also. Not so sure about hunting something that could hunt you. But it is only $12 more.
Cubes were soaked in ph'd water at 5.5 overnight


I have to agree. The rockwool looks Over Saturated. You need O2 in that medium.
Yea a buddy told me that too...I had the water level about a half a inch up the net pot but after he told me that I lowered it to a inch can I stop the cube from soaking? Lower it until it dries out? I noticed even at a inch below the splashing from the airstones still get it wet


I basically had it narrowed down to over watering or lighting being 2 close at 6 inches so I lowered the water yesterday & checked just now & the rockwool is almost dry now..I also put my light up 2 feet from the plant but If that wasn't the problem I don't want my babies to stretch somemore so what's a safe light distance?