Sour diesel x Ice Cream

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
is this a good idea to cross these two strains i got them from a medical shop in southern california. i know very little on breeding so any info would be helpful

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I've never heard of that, but I guess if you cross bad genetics with good your going to make the good worse, but who knows. Diversity can't be bad.

If you it them from a dispensary as clones then they're (hopefully) female, not too much breeding going on.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Sour diesel can be a long running strain, and ice cream is a shorter running one. So maybe you'll shave some flowering time. Ice cream also has a lot of color, where I don't think sour d really does. Really depends more on the characteristics you are trying to pass along.

I guess it would depend on which strain was male too, do you have a male already?

chef c

Well-Known Member
its been done, saw it in a shop in the springs bout two years ago as a clone. soooo, go for it, someone liked it:) sour cream is what it was btw... and yes,, sometimes when u cross, the prodgeny can herm real bad. if they do, be proud u made viable seed, chuck em all in your local park and start again with a sharper knowledge of what u intend to do. peace