sorry so long please help before may 11th


in colorado its a class 4 phelony for manufacturing marijauna at least thats what i got you could be lookin at three to five but prob. end up with probation...the laws are changing pretty quick judges laugh at weed ....not porn though (this is serious ) you need real help from a laywer we all have a different story , and problems keep your head up..they have your ip so unless your ( roomates did it ) its you or them sorry


Active Member
thanks for your guys help man but the porn fell on my roommate and i got alll my shit confinscated so gotta restart from scratch i ended up with 6 mo. unsupervised probation and shit loads of fines an i only got a public defender so if i was guilty of child porn id be totally forked and in tha roaster does all the haters understand that look once again i have2 kids my own kids i stuck my thingy in my WIFES love hole and pollinated her i love pussy and weed and love my kids and i my self was s.m. as i was a kid and will kill whom ever if they try touchin anyones kids im not perfect and nether are any of us but yeah