Sonoma County Sweep Finds Thousands Of Pot Plants


Well-Known Member
August 5, 2008

SANTA ROSA – Sonoma County authorities say they've destroyed nearly $2 million worth of marijuana plants during a weeklong operation to find marijuana gardens.

A Sonoma County Sheriff's Department spokesman says as part of an annual eradication operation, agents with the Sheriff's Department and the California Department of Justice last week destroyed about 62,000 plants in sites near Annapolis, Cazadero, Salmon Creek and Lake Sonoma.

The crops were spotted during law-enforcement flyovers.
Investigators say food, clothing, camping gear, propane tanks and gardening supplies left behind linked the marijuana gardens to Mexican drug cartels.


Well-Known Member
haha damn thats alot of pot. maybe thats why this drought of bud is around. This is why u dont grow big fields in open areas :D