Somethings wrong - Virgin grower!


Hi guys,

I've just started my first grow, I started about 3 weeks ago. It's Afghan Kush from seed, all germinated great, through seedling and re-potted into 2.5 gallon pots, no issues.

The tips of the leaves are now starting to go brown, and it's happening to all of them (growing 10, hoping at least 5 girlies!).

From the research I've done it looks like nute burn, I've since flushed twice and not used anything but water for over a week but they seem to still be getting worse.

The only additive I've put in the water is Maxicrop Seaweed extract (liquid), which isn't really nutrient from what I understand.

I'm growing in organic peat free medium priced soil, unfortunately I cannot remember the name and the bag's gone now.

I have a cool air feed in so the temps in the tent are around 25degrees C.

The only thing I can't tell yet is the PH of the water as the ordered PH tester hasn't yet arrived... However, the water here is very soft so I don't think it would be drastically either way from neutral.

They are growing under CFL lights, 1x250w, 1x125w, 2x115w and 2x105w, so 815w of light, mostly 6400k but the 2x105w are 5500k.

Will be moving onto 600w HPS when the time is right. :lol:

Please have a look at the pics and share the wealth of knowledge I know is out there!



@lokie, not attempting hydro just straight soil, what makes you ask that?

@scroglodyte, yeah I know, I ran out of soil, planning on potting up to 4 gallon pots to finish so I didn't think it would be an issue for a couple of weeks.

Any ideas on the cause of the leaf browning?


Well-Known Member
looks like severe nute burn indeed........ perhaps the soil you used came with nutes already in it....... and then when you added nutes you overloaded it maybe..........


Well-Known Member
I would for sure get some realy good soil/mix and do it over (repot)

start fresh .. with full pots .. might add lega nuts or sumthing at the bottom to ensure good draining so roots at the bottom dont stay wet ..

let the top of the soil now also be the top after you "repot" ..
just take em up and add more soil in the bottom and put them in agin .. fresh soil will help you if it is nut burns (get some light mix or some good soil with few/no nutriens)

its like a 10$ fix .. then start slow on nuts agin .. go 1/4 strenges .. if you use hydro nuts ? you schould never go over ½ strenges in soil ..


in your photos the pots are sitting in a container filled with rocks and H2O.

I see, no the water is only there as I had just flushed when I took the pics, the pots are in growbag trays with gravel in to make sure the bottom of the pots never sit in water, so its always got good drainage.

I always drain the excess water as soon as I've watered.

So if I re-pot them into the bigger pots now, they should recover nicely?