Somethings just arn't made to be understood.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Well, I have an habit of looking up wierd shit. Fringe sciences mostly. Quantum Physics, string theory, looking at time as a dimention. One of the things that suprised me is a man who has a blueprint of a time machine. Many other people agree that it works in theory. (Basically want's to bend the 4th demention, time)

Anyway, while getting carried away looking for things to read, I found theories about the universe. One of the theories was that dementions were too small to see.

However, the idea that interested the most was time travel. It's been proven that the fastter you travel, the faster the speed of light travels. So lets say you had a car that could travel half the speed of light and a big spot light. You take off with the car and go half the speed of light while someone standing on the ground shined the spotlight on you, the light would still go by you at the speed of light.

Err I beleive I got carried away....and lost my train on thought...I'll link the site I found it on so you guys can read them. I looked up a bunch of stuff after that too but this should give you plenty to think about.

The last one is a wiki of the quantum physics. Basically a research or objects can somehow do two different things at once. They fired one photon at a thin plate with two virtical slits in it. They noticed from the pattern they detected that to was acting like the photon was going through both slits at the same time. The weird part was that anytime they tried to view this event with their eyes or equipment, it went back to going through only one slit...

Anyway, what do you guys think of these theories? You buy into any of them?
Sorry if the post is disorganized but I'm pretty fried...


Well-Known Member
i sugest stoping this line of thought unless you want to induce an anurys. many people have spent their lives pondering the possibilities of time travel and quantum physics and they either ended up wasting their lives or ending up losing it. its an anomoly that is better off never being figured out. the past is imposible to change, and if it could be, the results of changing the past could never be good(ie you go back in time and kill Hitler as a baby, when you return the entire world is run by comunists) and no one really wants to know what the futre has to hold because its too real to grasp.

my point is if you want to keep your sanity then stop dweling on this, or you could lose your mind. string theory and physics are good to know and think about but it never got anyone layed

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Hahaha, but everybody has their own theory on woman...And Kaleo, your right about that, but it's hard not to think about it. Especially when you look shit up like a bad habit like I do lol. I love science. Any kind of science. That's why I get so wrapped up in stuff like this and smoking a bowl or two keeps me going for

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
One thing I sorta wonder is if there are laws of physics, and what not, what made the physics?...What made things happen the way they did. This is a messed up thought but why is it that certain things are heavy and other things not? It's hard to perceive things like this but I'm more interested in what's controlling physics, what makes it like it is......hard to explain..

grow space

Well-Known Member
time travel is posible-its fucking proven-so we have the tyniest things of all, in an atoms or something and there in are these foam and in that foam is worm holes-if we had the tehnolg. and enough power(which we yet do not have)=then with enough power we can enlarge thes worm holes and voila-time travel, here we come.and yes, it is proven and im not talking shit.
I love science too:)


Well-Known Member
How can it be proven if we dont have the power to achieve it? Doesnt that make it a theory?


the string theory right, the theory that every 3rd dimension can be "bent" back onto itself and create a theoretial loop

I love that one


Well-Known Member
i dont believe in time travel anymore.

"if time travel were possible people from the future would be visiting us." -albert einstein.


i dont believe in time travel anymore.

"if time travel were possible people from the future would be visiting us." -albert einstein.
But maybe there are strict rules when operating a time machine... Like you have to dress the same and not get discovered in that time you traveled to. Maybe the future has been kept secret from us BY our future selves so that we couldn't ruin the future like they did... Before? In another dimension... or anything else as mind blowingly awesome.:hump:

Lol science is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
But maybe there are strict rules when operating a time machine... Like you have to dress the same and not get discovered in that time you traveled to. Maybe the future has been kept secret from us BY our future selves so that we couldn't ruin the future like they did... Before? In another dimension... or anything else as mind blowingly awesome.:hump:

Lol science is hilarious.
yeah science is some crazy shit. but i doubt we humans have the compasity to think and PREVENT bad things. we always abuse our creations. were at the point now where our technology is destroying our earth.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
It's weird, sometimes things tend to feel like their beyond science. Think about this. IF time travel were ever achieved, what would stop people from going back and doing something like try to stop the crucifixion? Would their be some sort of universal rule to stop someone from doing that or would they be allowed to completly change it? Speaking theoretically of course...


Well-Known Member
One thing I sorta wonder is if there are laws of physics, and what not, what made the physics?...What made things happen the way they did. This is a messed up thought but why is it that certain things are heavy and other things not? It's hard to perceive things like this but I'm more interested in what's controlling physics, what makes it like it is......hard to explain..
I know exactly what you mean! To me, that is my own little "proof" that "God" exists. We all know the "Law" of Gravity... Put two masses close together, they will attract. Why attract? why not repel? Light travels in a wave, but from the end of it, light emits in all directions (example, if you have a wall with a small hole, and shine a light at it, on the other side of the wall you dont see a straight beam, the light "expands" into the room even though it only came in from a small, straight, hole). Why is it like this? why not another way?
Anyway, for every law of physics, you can see that it is THAT way, and not another. Why? In my opinion, because it was meant to be created that way. For all we know there's infinite parallel universes, with each one having ONE change in the laws of physics and at the end of time, whichever universe is "perfect" will stay. or not... I just thought of this just now :hump:
But I do think that our world was created on purpose... And not only that, we have a limited time. The universe is not eternal, there was a beginning and an end. Einstein knew that and it really bugged him. He wanted the universe to be perfect and eternal.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean! To me, that is my own little "proof" that "God" exists. We all know the "Law" of Gravity... Put two masses close together, they will attract. Why attract? why not repel? Light travels in a wave, but from the end of it, light emits in all directions (example, if you have a wall with a small hole, and shine a light at it, on the other side of the wall you dont see a straight beam, the light "expands" into the room even though it only came in from a small, straight, hole). Why is it like this? why not another way?
Anyway, for every law of physics, you can see that it is THAT way, and not another. Why? In my opinion, because it was meant to be created that way. For all we know there's infinite parallel universes, with each one having ONE change in the laws of physics and at the end of time, whichever universe is "perfect" will stay. or not... I just thought of this just now :hump:
But I do think that our world was created on purpose... And not only that, we have a limited time. The universe is not eternal, there was a beginning and an end. Einstein knew that and it really bugged him. He wanted the universe to be perfect and eternal.
I'm glad you mentioned The lord. Only god can answer all these theory's. Also they will remain theory's until each and everyone of us passes on to the other side. Tell me how so many scientist are readily available to believe theory's that they THEORETICALLY think will work if we had X or if we could do X. X=whatever minuscule thing that is needed to achieve the goal. God is real is all I have to say.


Well-Known Member
Yay i like you guys

90% of the time i mention god jesus etc on here there is an atheist that start saying well how about this what about that and it just goes on to the point where it starts repeating
but ya i dont have the answers so i dont know why they keep asking me for them.

grow space

Well-Known Member
even if the "time travel machine" will be constructed in the future regular ppl like me and you wont be allowed to use it cas it will make things too weird and sjit wiil be really fucked up.
but we will never reach to that time cas we are to stupid and we have destroyed our planet like 10 times before that:)


Well-Known Member
Its ben scientifically predicted by this guy Terence McKenna that 2012 isnt the end of the world its the end of time because thats when time will becaome non-linear because time has no meaning after that date because that when time travel will be discovered. He has this hole chinese algorythim type thing ill see if i can get you the video