Something to Ponder ...

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed." Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged


Well-Known Member
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed." Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
ayn rand. what a fucking joke.

the same lady who denied that smoking could cause cancer and died of lung cancer.

the same lady who said people on SS were mooches and looters ended up taking SS and medicare in her later years, probably a whole lot more than she paid in.

she is as much a hypocrite as the preachers, evangelists and right wing nutjobs who demonize homosexuality yet wind up in an airport bathroom stall doing some awfully naughty gay things.

fuck ayn rand.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
ayn rand. what a fucking joke.

the same lady who denied that smoking could cause cancer and died of lung cancer.

the same lady who said people on SS were mooches and looters ended up taking SS and medicare in her later years, probably a whole lot more than she paid in.

she is as much a hypocrite as the preachers, evangelists and right wing nutjobs who demonize homosexuality yet wind up in an airport bathroom stall doing some awfully naughty gay things.

fuck ayn rand.
Exactly the kind of response I was expecting from you Uncle Buckie. What ever you do, do not address the message, just demean and marginalize the messenger. You really are a tool, aren't cha, Uncle Buckie. :hump:



Well-Known Member
What ever you do, do not address the message, just demean and marginalize the messenger. You really are a tool, aren't cha, Uncle Buckie. :hump:

did you just speak out against demeaning and marginalizing your opponent, and then go on to demean and marginalize your opponent?

congratulations, you are now as much of a hypocrite as ayn rand was, too. :clap:

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
did you just speak out against demeaning and marginalizing your opponent, and then go on to demean and marginalize your opponent?

congratulations, you are now as much of a hypocrite as ayn rand was, too. :clap:
Not demeaning you at all, just stating fact. The fact is, you will NOT address the message, but you will try to destroy it by demeaning and marginalizing the messenger. In other words, you are a tool. That's a fact. Now lets get down to the nitty gritty, Uncle Buckie. Let's see you tear the message apart with your own constructive ideas.

Something tells me that you won't take up the challenge. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Not demeaning you at all, just stating fact. The fact is, you will NOT address the message, but you will try to destroy it by demeaning and marginalizing the messenger. In other words, you are a tool. That's a fact. Now lets get down to the nitty gritty, Uncle Buckie. Let's see you tear the message apart with your own constructive ideas.

Something tells me that you won't take up the challenge. bongsmilie
don't you think her philosophy is bullshit by the fact that not even she could follow it? :dunce:

or have you still not come out of that insufferable "just read ayn rand" phase?


Well-Known Member
ayn rand. what a fucking joke.

the same lady who denied that smoking could cause cancer and died of lung cancer.

the same lady who said people on SS were mooches and looters ended up taking SS and medicare in her later years, probably a whole lot more than she paid in.

she is as much a hypocrite as the preachers, evangelists and right wing nutjobs who demonize homosexuality yet wind up in an airport bathroom stall doing some awfully naughty gay things.

fuck ayn rand.
Curious, you were supporting a candidate whom is a 'fan' of ayn rand.

Actually, Rand died of heart failure, 8 years after she went under surgery for lung cancer.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Curious, you were supporting a candidate whom is a 'fan' of ayn rand.

Actually, Rand died of heart failure, 8 years after she went under surgery for lung cancer.
That's exactly right. Anyone in this forum who is supporting Ron Paul should know that he named his son Rand Paul because of his love for the economic principles espoused by Ayn Rand. Rand Paul is now a U.S. Senator, elected in this last election cycle.

Now again Uncle Buckie, do you want to take a stab at the quote that started this thread?


Well-Known Member
That's exactly right. Anyone in this forum who is supporting Ron Paul should know that he named his son Rand Paul because of his love for the economic principles espoused by Ayn Rand. Rand Paul is now a U.S. Senator, elected in this last election cycle.

Now again Uncle Buckie, do you want to take a stab at the quote that started this thread?
You are confused. I was talking about Gary Johnson.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That's exactly right. Anyone in this forum who is supporting Ron Paul should know that he named his son Rand Paul because of his love for the economic principles espoused by Ayn Rand. Rand Paul is now a U.S. Senator, elected in this last election cycle.

Now again Uncle Buckie, do you want to take a stab at the quote that started this thread?
Wow... you're just..... out there.. aren't you?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
“I think I view the system the same way that Ayn Rand views the system –that it really oppresses those that create, if you will, and tries to take away from those that produce and give to the non-producers,” Johnson said.

But, he added: “I would like to see the government help out those truly in need. She [Ayn Rand] wasn’t that way.”
Being from New Mexico and knowing Johnson pretty well I can tell you that he is a fan of Ayn Rand but he isn't a fanatic. This is the same guy within two terms, eliminated New Mexico’s budget deficit and cut the rate of state government growth in half while reducing the state workforce by over 10 percent, without laying off a single qualified state worker.

He's no Ayn Rand disciple, trust me.


Well-Known Member
Being from New Mexico and knowing Johnson pretty well I can tell you that he is a fan of Ayn Rand but he isn't a fanatic. This is the same guy within two terms, eliminated New Mexico’s budget deficit and cut the rate of state government growth in half while reducing the state workforce by over 10 percent, without laying off a single qualified state worker.

He's no Ayn Rand disciple, trust me.
His views are still rather close to that of a libertarian. Probably the highest seated libertarian (with the exception of Congress), and his results I think aren't just a proof of his ability, but a proof of the libertarian view.


Well-Known Member
His views are still rather close to that of a libertarian. Probably the highest seated libertarian (with the exception of Congress), and his results I think aren't just a proof of his ability, but a proof of the libertarian view.
i like gary johnson because he seems to be a liberal libertarian, while ron paul is an evangelical conservative libertarian.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
i like gary johnson because he seems to be a liberal libertarian, while ron paul is an evangelical conservative libertarian.
Hmmm, interesting Uncle Buckie. What makes you think RP is an evangelical? Is it because he believes our enumerated rights come from a higher power than government?

And you define "evangelical" as what? Not dissing you here, just wondering.