something killing my leaves pic


Active Member
High there, I have 5 plants in soil undeder cfl's and fluoro's that are in their 7th week of flowering. Some leaves on some of my plants are starting to look like they have something killing them. they get really dry and papery and have brown dead looking skin in the middle. any info would be really great.

sicarii :joint:


Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If you are flowering and you are getting close to finish the leaves will start to die and fall off. The bigger leaves are the first to go, then saller ones. This is normal. A lot of times they start to drop way before 7 weeks. It depends on strain. You should get a pocket microscope from radio shack or a jewelers loop and check the trichomes to see how close you are to harvest?


Well-Known Member
I think there is a problem. I got this for you.

flush with very mild and complete fertilizer.
Flush a minimum of three times the volume of water
for the volume of growing medium.

(thats the rest)
Good luck.


Active Member
Id agree with cruzer 100% on this. Your plants looks otherwise healthy or at least not exhibiting signs of anything other than Phosphorous deffeciency. There is nothing "normal" about the pics you sent though gradual uniform yellowing and leaf drop off from the bottom working its way up is quite normal and should be what more growers shoot for. It is your plant using up its nutrients, nitrogen in particular, and is a great visual message indicating that your finished product wont be some nutrient overfilled smoke. This is not what is happening in your case however, its phosphorous deffeciency.


Active Member
Thanks a lot!!!
I bought some Neptune's Harvest organic fish fertilizer and the leaves have stopped dying. Cruzer101 that was great advice thanks a lot. What book was that from? I'm gonna go buy it.:weed: