Something is eating my stems ? ? ? ?


Well-Known Member
Ok so today I went in 2 the room
Every thing looked good
Until I noticed that 1 of the plants was leaning over
I touched it and it folded
I thought aye ? ?
Took a closer look and saw it had rotted
Then checked the others and on about 4 of them
It's starting too
I'm hoping someone can help
I think it might be some kind of build up
I'm just gonna put my lappy on as I can't up pics
From my IPad
ok sorry theres so many pics



Active Member
Woah! No expert however the first thing that comes to mind from those pics is bacteria or fungus? What are your room and res temps?


Well-Known Member
The res temp is about 18-20c
And the room is about 75-82f
I thought it might b from the silver collers
I have changed them to Mylar now


Well-Known Member
It is Stem rot - Spray the stem down with an H2O2/water mix, let the rockwool dry out more, and don't keep it so wet.


Active Member
have you dumped and restarted your res yet? if not i would probably start new with the mix,, just to prevent further contamination,, no expert either,, im looking forward to seeing how this unfolds,, i hope things turn around for you jaybee007 because your girls are beutiful besides the stem problem.. good luck brotha. stevo404


Active Member
Stem Canker (Stem Rot)

Stem cankers are what the name is, they form on stems from a fungus similar to white and yellow leaf spot. Weather can affect the way stem cankers can live; wet humid weather is what makes this fungus thrive. Canker fungus is caused and entered the same white and leaf spot fungus enters the plants, it enters through an open cut, wound, pruned wound, or pest infestation that has caused damage by eating leaves or chewing on the stem’s or stalks and can be transferred through rain. It can also get in through susceptible plants that have been wounded through environmental factors like animal attacks, pruning, LST (Low Stress Training), and using cutting utensils that are not sanitary that may have fungus or bacteria on them. Damage to the plant occurs in the form of a yellowish-brown discoloration on the lower portion of the stalk. Later, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the plant dries out and dies.They form mostly on the stems, but severe cases spotting starts to form on the leaves from internal tissue being cut of nutrients and water. In between nodes is where stem cankers start to form, and move up the plant, around the 3rd, 4th and 5th node is where it will mainly affects the plants. Stems will have brown lesions; eventually have a dark reddish-brown sunken canker in the stem. Sometimes if severe the wound may reopen and appear split in the middle of the area of the wound on the stem and can also create a buldge. The lesions can extend up the plant over 3 or 4 nodes, once this happens the plant starts to wilt from vascular uptake being cut. This gets confused with root rot when the plant starts to wilt, and leaves turn yellowish brown and or spots, because the stem canker does not show itself yet once this starts to happen. Once the stem canker has been observed and if not treated, the leaves will start to wilt with yellow, white and brown spots, similar to white and yellow leaf spot. When plants are affected by this, the plant is more susceptible to more fungus and viral infections, from air borne spores.

Prevent and Control

Preventing stem cankers is about the same way other fungus problems, making sure you treat wounds to your plant with H202, making sure your plants are free of pest’s and if you use tools to LST (low stress training) your plants pruning, and training, make sure all tools are sterilized before and after using them. Spraying your plant with fungicides in the months or times this fungus spreads. It’s very important that you catch this fungus before it gets to bad, once the damage has been done to the plant; the only way to get rid of this is to chop the plant down and treat the area that has been infected. Planting other plants near and or around this area can and will re-affect other plants when a new season starts.
Once your plant does have this, using fungicides until it is gone is crucial; if the canker has worsened foliar feeding is a must to help keep the plants vigor, strength and stamina in fighting the fungus. Stem cankers take over by slowly reducing the plants uptake and thus takes over the susceptibility of the plant and the fungus then takes over and worsens more quickly. Using anyone of these products will help control or eliminate stem cankers. (If the plant is to bad, nothing can save it and the plant must be cut down and tools sanitized to stop the spread of the fungus.) (Note: When using chemical and or organic control methods, do not spray the buds, and for health and safety reasons, stay away from spraying around the buds if all possible.)


Well-Known Member
very interesting, i had a plant do this outdoors a few years ago on one of my main cola's branches in two places about half way through flowering, fortunately for me it actually cloned itself and I just stuck the two in the ground and let my buds mature. I never could figure out what the hell happened, definitely strange...


Well-Known Member
have you dumped and restarted your res yet? if not i would probably start new with the mix,, just to prevent further contamination,, no expert either,, im looking forward to seeing how this unfolds,, i hope things turn around for you jaybee007 because your girls are beutiful besides the stem problem.. good luck brotha. stevo404
Cheers man


Well-Known Member
Cheers I will pick up the h202 in the morning and get it done
Is there any strength that I need and at what ratio should I mix

Stem Canker (Stem Rot)

Stem cankers are what the name is, they form on stems from a fungus similar to white and yellow leaf spot. Weather can affect the way stem cankers can live; wet humid weather is what makes this fungus thrive. Canker fungus is caused and entered the same white and leaf spot fungus enters the plants, it enters through an open cut, wound, pruned wound, or pest infestation that has caused damage by eating leaves or chewing on the stem’s or stalks and can be transferred through rain. It can also get in through susceptible plants that have been wounded through environmental factors like animal attacks, pruning, LST (Low Stress Training), and using cutting utensils that are not sanitary that may have fungus or bacteria on them. Damage to the plant occurs in the form of a yellowish-brown discoloration on the lower portion of the stalk. Later, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the plant dries out and dies.They form mostly on the stems, but severe cases spotting starts to form on the leaves from internal tissue being cut of nutrients and water. In between nodes is where stem cankers start to form, and move up the plant, around the 3rd, 4th and 5th node is where it will mainly affects the plants. Stems will have brown lesions; eventually have a dark reddish-brown sunken canker in the stem. Sometimes if severe the wound may reopen and appear split in the middle of the area of the wound on the stem and can also create a buldge. The lesions can extend up the plant over 3 or 4 nodes, once this happens the plant starts to wilt from vascular uptake being cut. This gets confused with root rot when the plant starts to wilt, and leaves turn yellowish brown and or spots, because the stem canker does not show itself yet once this starts to happen. Once the stem canker has been observed and if not treated, the leaves will start to wilt with yellow, white and brown spots, similar to white and yellow leaf spot. When plants are affected by this, the plant is more susceptible to more fungus and viral infections, from air borne spores.

Prevent and Control

Preventing stem cankers is about the same way other fungus problems, making sure you treat wounds to your plant with H202, making sure your plants are free of pest’s and if you use tools to LST (low stress training) your plants pruning, and training, make sure all tools are sterilized before and after using them. Spraying your plant with fungicides in the months or times this fungus spreads. It’s very important that you catch this fungus before it gets to bad, once the damage has been done to the plant; the only way to get rid of this is to chop the plant down and treat the area that has been infected. Planting other plants near and or around this area can and will re-affect other plants when a new season starts.
Once your plant does have this, using fungicides until it is gone is crucial; if the canker has worsened foliar feeding is a must to help keep the plants vigor, strength and stamina in fighting the fungus. Stem cankers take over by slowly reducing the plants uptake and thus takes over the susceptibility of the plant and the fungus then takes over and worsens more quickly. Using anyone of these products will help control or eliminate stem cankers. (If the plant is to bad, nothing can save it and the plant must be cut down and tools sanitized to stop the spread of the fungus.) (Note: When using chemical and or organic control methods, do not spray the buds, and for health and safety reasons, stay away from spraying around the buds if all possible.)


Well-Known Member
Ok so now I have treated the affected plants
3 times withe the h202 mix
And I'm pleased 2 say it's not
Getting any worse and the stems r dry
I will post some pics in the morning
Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
dude dont listen to the others, they are all pulling it out their buts, what you got is a weed hungry mouse, he's trying crop your shit but cant cut them all the way in one night so he's getting em started hopin you wont notice so he can pull he plants down his hole before you get wise.


Well-Known Member
Lol that's funny but at this point
I'm deffo willing 2 set a few traps
Around the room 4 safe measure


Well-Known Member
Yesterday another 1 of my seedling had fallen over
Stems just about all gone
Very sad day lol
Anyway I'm now going 2 try thornit canker powder mixed 2 a paste
And painted on the stems
And all so use microbial
It should work from what I can gather
But I will keep u all posted


Well-Known Member
Ok so the other day I picked up the canker powder
Mixed it up and painted it on . . . . . And . .
It seems 2 b working lol
I can see a vast improvement already
And it's only been a couple days
Also Pythium affects dogs,cats,rabbits and pigeons
Aswell as plants that's why I was unsure the label doesn't say that is 4 plants lol


Well-Known Member
just thought id give u guys an update
i lost the smallest weakest seedling
but 2 b honest its under control now i think??
the affected plants seem 2 have really picked up now
i only lost 1 out of around 20 plants
so im very pleased with the outcome so far
im gonna post a few pics of the 1 didnt make it
just so people can see what stem rot really looks like lol
and a few of the room now