Someone who knows something about photometry, PLEASE HELP.


Well-Known Member
I need help finding out how many square inches certain beam angles create at let's say, 12" and 24" for my next micro grow. I have been unable to find how to calculate how big a beam angle say 60 degrees would be on a surface 12 inches away. I would also like to know the same for degrees: 10, 25, 45, 90, and 120.

I know most people don't understand anything about photometry and the laws of light so I'm hoping there's a guru lurking somewhere that can help me out!

Normally I use google but it seems either I'm not searching the right thing, or that information just isn't on the web.

I know that most of the bulbs these days show how much square footage they cover but bulbs are also 360 degrees, and the reflector is used to try and get 180 degrees of light out of the bulb. But for my micro grow, I really need to know how tight of a beam angle I can get without looking surface coverage.

And for the record, this will be an LED grow. So if anyone knows anything about photometry I could definitely use your knowledge!!
