Someone stole my fucking super silver haze crop.


Well-Known Member
Someone harvested my beautiful super silver haze plant.. I couldnt believe my eyes.. so heartbroken. I put so much effort into this fuckign plant and some CUNT. SOME FUCKING CUNT STOLE IT. WTF. I WANT TO KILL THEM. I have an idea who it is as well. Who has had their plant stolen? Calm me please. :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
never happened to me, I'm scared to death of it happening so I guard my shit hardcore. everytime the dog barks I'm out there with a spotlight.

I also have a 7ft fence around it, not a tough fence but enough to stop someone for a good 2 minutes.


Well-Known Member
damn they probably knew about your plants for a while and let you do the work till' it was ready. I guess lesson learned for growing off your property.


Active Member
oh man that sucks my first grow was stolen one night they were almost ready to be harvested and i went to water the next morning and it was gone took the pot and alli cussed and threw shit but calmed after a while i know u put alot of work into it but sometimes u have to restart make sure u trust anyone u tell or knows


Well-Known Member
who knows.. maybe it was authorities... this is horrbile dude... I had a bunch of wrong friends I would associate with in my younger years who would go around and look for plants. dam punks


Well-Known Member
damn bro, im sorry to hear that.thats so fucked up, and that is why weed is illegal. stupid punks stealing from people n shit, it makes me sick. maybe u should grow off your property next time my dude.


[Lucas];2409590 said:
Man I am smoking some super silver haze I just yanked off somebodys plant, good as fuck.
Haha thats hella funny.:hump: But damn that really does suck. That's some real asshole who did it.


Well-Known Member
........ you have a good idea who it was?

I'm guessing this means you showed someone where you were growing.... Lesson learned IMO


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that, brah. Take some deep breaths and know that karma will get the thieves in the end. Not much comfort for the here and now... but all things must pass. Start over, but perhaps inside your home and if that's not possible ... a new outdoor location that only you know about.


Well-Known Member
........ you have a good idea who it was?

I'm guessing this means you showed someone where you were growing.... Lesson learned IMO
No way i didnt show a soul.. some guy i saw walking past me when I was going to water it looked at me sussly.. I had a 5 litre bottle of water in a backpack.. he wouldntve known it was water.. but he was walking away from where you go to get to the plant and i just got a sick feeling. I turned around and he had turned around to look at me that CUNT. I was growing in the bush.. no way I will grow at home.. its not my house to decide that shit. FUCK i am so devistated.:evil: