Someone PLZ!!! help, have pics plants r yellow

my plants r turning yellow n i dont know whats wrong with it, im flushin it rite now cuz next week its goin into flowering, i had it on hydroponic drip system then i change to soil, idk if the roots were damage as i change it to soil but plzzz help


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
How long since you changed. It could be shock from going to soil from hydro. You spoiled it with all that nutrient flow.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Can you list the nurients applied lately? Chlorosis (yellowing) in between the leaf veins indicates possible macro-nutrient def. or, nutes. tied up in the soil due to pH imbalance. Simplest answer is usually the right one.
I'm using advance nutrient micro n grow 1/4 of a teaspoon to a gallon n I water them when they dry cuz I have a moisture meter, so wha can I do to recover my plants?