Some1 please help need input (trouble getting my PHreading)


Well-Known Member
It would REALLY be worth it for you to get real PH tester. You buy it once and have it for many many grows. It will pay for itself a thousand times over. And is SOO much easier to use and WAYYYYY more accurate.
Now having said that, i dont think you have to worry about the color of the water you test. Its not paint LOL it doesn't work like that. Its a chemical reaction. Dont worry about what color the nutes make the water. just test it as usual. Good luck and happy growing.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Distilled water is normaly 7.0 just to give you gauge.
But I lnow exactly what you mean, I had the dropper test before i found a meter.
Check on ebay you can find them for like fourty bucks.


Well-Known Member
Check your water co's web-site . . . should/may contain area pH of drinking water?

EVERY method I've tried in pH testing, including two pricey digital meters, ALL show different #'s.
The test tube type #'s didn't mesh at all w/the "official" digital reading(s). It's a bit of a crap shoot, IMO.
As long as plants are growing and apparently happy/healthy, I no longer worry about pH.


Well-Known Member
I agree with mister fishey i used to freak out over ph now i check it every
now and again if the plants look healthy that does me it's called weed for a reason!