Some thoughts on my improved set up! and on yellow leaves?


Active Member
Hey everybody,

I was wondering if people had thoughts on my set up! I recently moved my plants to a roof top room I have, out of my closet. It has CFLs: 2 45w, 1 22w, 3 11w. The two bigger 45w are next to my AK 48 and the rest around my bag seed sprouts.

So the AK 48 has been doing great but recently I've noticed a few yellow leaves-- normal yellowing on the first two leaves which appear at first but it seems to be on some larger, newer leaves.

Thoughts? I haven't put any nutriants yet-- it's only about 3 weeks old but my guess is I should but in some growth nutriants tonight. My roommate seems to think that the lights are too close, but reading on CFLs it seems that they need to be pretty close.

thanks and good luck with your grows!

(ps, took some an up close pictures but am not sure if it's showing sex yet. It's the last pic where you can see little shoots. )



Active Member
humidity and temp seem to be alright-- It is winter where I am and pretty dry though, but the space is small with all those lights it keeps pretty warm. I have a small fan that has a heater option which I may use if you think that might be making them yellow. I water once a day and use a spray bottle to keep the plants moist, too.

thanks dr!


Active Member
I'm no expect but nutes should help grow faster if you use the right ones and the right quantities.

Also what cycle do you have your lights on?


Well-Known Member
cut back on the spraying see if that helps tighten the leaves up a bit. and watering once a day is a bit much unless your plants are rootbound but doesn't look like it.


Active Member
i've been using 24-0 light cycle and after reading what you guys have written i think i'll start with nutes tonight.

Also, i'll try watering every two days and cut back the spray bottle to only when I water.

hope this works! i'm happy with how short and stout the plant is growing, i think it should stay pretty bushy (thnx AK 48!) but the damn leaves have to stay green.

so that last picture, you think thats new growth or sex showing?

(thnx for your help guys!)


Well-Known Member
its not pre flowering yet, if it was there would be a little spade shape growth between the calyx and the bud stem if its female, and a little football shape on top of a stem if its male.


Well-Known Member
if your leafs are getting thoes yellow spots you might have spider mites, treat your plants and that could fix the prob